Aw! You do care about me!

Lucyndth was tired of people throwing him the in the water! Was this going to happen on a daily basis? Lucyndth came up from the water and glared at Xinyung. Lucyndth's hair was now soaked, and it was actually starting to dry! Xinyung smiled and lay down in the water. Lucyndth continued to glare at him, waiting for him to notice.

He gave up, after noticing that Xinyung wasn't going to care. Lucyndth closed his eyes and tried to think of a way to get back home. He was thinking for a while until an idea came to his mind. He smiled and looked at Xinyung, who was peacefully floating along the steaming water. His hair flared like a fan around him, and water droplets on his moist eyelashes. He looked so peaceful, Lucyndth thought. That's when Lucyndth tackled Xinyung and pushed him under the water. Lucyndth laughed at the way Xinyung panicked.

Lucyndth was laughing for a while until he noticed something. It's been a long time since Xinyung came up. Lucyndth looked at the water. The steam covered the water, so Lucyndth couldn't see under it. He waited for a while, but there was no sign of Xinyung anywhere. Lucyndth panicked. Why wasn't he coming up? It's not like Lucyndth held him under the water to drown him! Lucyndth dived in the water. He opened his eyes and looked around.

He didn't see Xinyung anywhere, the water was too foggy! Lucyndth started to panic under the water. His sudden panic made him remember of the time that he was drowning. He panicked more. His mind was going in a blur until something grabbed his shirt. He emerged from out of the water to see Xinyung smiling at him.

"Aw! You do care about me!" He then dropped Lucyndth back in the water.

Lucyndth came up and glared at the crazy man in front of him. His hair was soaked and covered his eyes, so Xinyung couldn't see the tears that he was holding back. A burning sensation serged through Lucyndth's eyes, like fire roaming a forest. Xinyung looked over at Lucyndth. As his face started to dry, Xinyung noticed that his face was red, not from embarrassment, but from tears. He felt guilty, he didn't expect for him to cry over a small joke. Xinyung got up and looked at Lucyndth.

He sighed and poked his face, "What reason is there to cry? I can't drown, it's impossible. I'm sorry, I know it isn't funny, I'll take you home now, okay?"

Xinyung looked at the depressing sight in front of him. Lucyndth's small nose was red and his crystal eyes shined, as they were full of tears. Water soaked his hair, slightly covering his eyes. As his face started to dry, the tears made his wet hair stick to his face. Soaked clothes weighed his body, making it hard for him to stand straight.

Xinyung thought it would be funny to mess around with the little brat. His ignorance caused him to hurt his delicate prince. Maybe calling him a delicate prince was an understatement. Maybe, Xinyung thought. Xinyung swam to the edge of the hot spring and pulled himself onto the rock that surrounded the perimeter of the hot spring . He sat and looked at the shaking child in front of him. He sighed and signaled for Lucyndth to follow.

"Come on, let's go home. I need you to rest until it's time to go. We might not be able to sleep on our way there, it's too dangerous."

Lucyndth averted his eyes away from Xinyung. He didn't say anything back to him. He didn't want to, nor did he feel that there was a reason to. Lucyndth swam over to where Xinyung was sitting and climbed on the rock. They sat in silence for what seemed like a long time. Xinyung looked over to see Lucyndth shivering from his wet clothes. He started to reach over before hesitating. He still didn't understand why Lucyndth was so mad over a joke.

"Let's go home. Just say the words you said backwards. It should bring you back to the cafe. When we get home, go to sleep so you can have energy. I will wake you up and tell you when it's time to leave." Xinyung explained how Lucyndth was supposed to get home.

Xinyung got up and made hand signals with. His clothes immediately became dry. He looked over at Lucyndth and made the same hand signals. Lucyndth's eyes grew wide as he felt a wind swirl around him. He looked down at his clothes and saw that they were no longer soaked. Xinyung turned around and put his arms out beside him, " Hasaviul Gnisa!"

Lucyndth didn't look back, because he knew that the man that was once there, was no longer standing behind him. He looked at the world around him. Everything was dull in this place. The only thing about this deserted landscape that would catch a person's eye; who would be ironically passing by, is the beautiful natural hot spring in front of Lucyndth. He took one glance, and turned away from it. One would think that Lucyndth would have a fear of water, but that is not the case. His fear lies beyond the water. It's more like what the water could do to him. No, Lucyndth thought, not what the water could do to him, but what it has done to him.

Xinyung was in his closet throwing things into his bag. He was in a bad mood. It wasn't because of Lucyndth, but because of the fact that he cared for Lucyndth's feelings. Why did he care for some random child? The kid walked right into Xinyungs life and changed how he saw things. He used to be cold, heartless, not caring for anyone but himself.

He was so uncaring towards the people around him that he made the excuse of being a germaphobe, just to get away. All he hoped for in life was to complete his missions. Love once passed through his mind, but that was many years ago. He was too young, and he didn't understand. Now a kid comes along and ruins his plans and expectations for his life. He felt hurt when he was hurt. He felt bad for hurting Lucyndth's feelings. Xinyung didn't notice this was happening until today. When he saw the tears in Lucyndth's eyes, he didn't want to see them anymore. It made him feel something he hasn't felt for a long time. Xinyung stopped throwing the clothes in the bag once he saw that he was over stuffing it. He laid down on his floor and thought. Something that he hasn't felt for a long time.

Xinyung's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something in the bathroom. Xinyung got up and ran to the bathroom. He ran in to see Lucyndth tangled in the shower curtains. He walked over and untangled the curtains, uncertain if he should laugh or feel bad. Lucyndth tried to be helpful in getting himself out of the shower curtain. He thought he was finally free and stepped out the tub. His other foot was still stuck, causing him to trip and fall into Xinyungs arms. Xinyung looked down at him. Why did they always end up in these awkward situations? It was like fate was trying to force them together! Xinyung sat Lucyndth down on the floor and turned towards the door. He didn't want to make their situation worse by talking, so he decided to let Lucyndth think about it.

Before he exited the bathroom, he barely turned his head to speak to Lucyndth, "Go take a nap. We're going to be leaving soon, and I don't want you to be tired. I will wake you up. When you awaken, there will be your bag with the clothes you chose and some other things I put in there. There will also be the other things I thought that you might need."

He then walked out the door and into his room. Lucyndth got up and started towards his room. Xinyung was right, he should get some sleep. Lucyndth wasn't really mad at Xinyung. He jumped into his bed.

"Yeah, who could be mad at a person who triggered their trauma and almost caused them to drown in a shallow pool?" Lucyndth sarcastically mumbled into his pillow.

Lucyndth yawned. This day was a tiring day. He turned around to look at the sky light, The sunset imprinted in his memory as he dozed off to sleep.

Xinyung was sitting in the library downstairs. He was in deep thought. The 'closed space' that Xinyung is talking about is very dangerous. There were beasts of all kinds. This place was made a tradition in some families. If a boy wanted to marry a girl from a rich family, he would have to travel through the closed space and come back alive for them to give him their blessing. How was he going to get Lucyndth in there and out alive? The closed space gets more dangerous and more difficult to pass through the farther you go in. He wanted to help Lucyndth, while also trying to find out if he has anything to do with… Xinyung stopped in the middle of his

thought. It was best if he didn't think about her. He looked out the window, it was getting dark. He decided to get some weapons to help them on their way. Their expected leaving time may be delayed, because Xinyung had to explain to Lucyndth how to use the weapons. He should at least know the basics of using a sword before he walks on a deadly path. Xinyung made his hand signals to make the basement door appear. He had to get the right weapons for the job.

Lucyndth woke up to stars outside the sky light. He jolted up, expecting for Xinyung to be watching him in his sleep again. He found himself staring at a small bag replacing the empty space where he expected to see Xinyung. Lucndth got up. The cold floor sent chills down his spine as the icy feeling found a way through his socks, into his small feet. Lucyndth shivered, the room was awfully cold at the moment. He never noticed how cold it was. Lucyndth grabbed the bag and opened it, thinking it would only have clothes in it. To his surprise, there were barely any clothes in there. He looked through it. There were two shirts and one pair of pants. There were different pills and medicines for different functions. Wound cleaner to compliment the bandages. Not only was there medicine and clothes, but there was also food. There was preserved meats and fruits. Lucyndth looked through the bag and stopped once his hand touched something sharp.

He removed his hand from the bag and looked at it. A small trickle of blood danced down his hand. He frowned and tried to find what the object was. He pulled out a knife. A jade knife with flowers imprinted on it. Lucyndth dropped it out of surprise. He thought that this would be like a camping trip. Just a small trip into a different dimension, Lucyndth thought sarcastically too himself. Why did he need all of this stuff? Lucyndth stopped himself from questioning it. Maybe Xinyung was just being overprotective, or this could be the normal things people brought on camping trips. Lucyndth doesn't have any memory of a camping trip, so he doesn't really know how it's supposed to work and what he was supposed to bring. Lucyndth lost his train of thought when he saw Xinyung walking through the door. He was carrying a sword and a bow and arrow. He came over to Lucyndth and held the two weapons out to him.

"Which one do you want?" Xinyung gave Lucyndth a choice of which weapon he preferred.

The sword was the one Xinyung used to complete the blood deal. If Lucyndth were to choose this weapon, it would be beneficial. If Lucyndth were to stab one of those beasts with a normal sword, then the blood would attract other monsters to come attack them. This sword was different. With this sword, no blood would come from the corpse of the beast. The only issue with the sword is that Xinyung thought that it took too much skill that Lucyndth didn't have. He also doesn't want him to be too close to the beasts, for there was a better chance of him getting killed.

The bow and arrow on the other hand, is good for long distance, and it doesn't take as much skill. As long as Lucyndth is good with the aim and getting the technique right, it shouldn't take too long for Xinyung to teach him out to use it. If he ever does have trouble, Xinyung could just take over Lucyndth's body.

Lucyndth looked at both of the weapons. He understood that there was no time to ask questions about it. Maybe the mission was going to be dangerous! Lucyndth looked back and forth. After a while, he finally decided which weapon he wanted.