Imperial Army

"Young Master... Young Master.."

"Young Master, Wake up!"

Buu slowly opened his eyes and looked dazed as he laid there.

"Young Master, You're finally awake. Thank the Gods."

Buu looked at the person who spoke and saw it was his butler, Black. Looking around, Buu saw that he was no longer at the arena and was instead laying on a wooden bed.

"Black, where are we?"

"Young Master, this is all thanks to the lord."

Buu was completely confused after hearing Black and said sadly while closing his eyes, "What nonsense are you saying Black, Father had already abandoned me the moment I made a move on older sis."

Black saw the defeated look on the young master Buu's face and seemed lost for a second. He finally snapped out of it and enthusiastically said, " You're wrong, young master. After your defeat to the young miss, The Lord ordered me to bring you here and to give you this letter once you woke up.

Buu immediately opened his eyes and sat up to see the letter in Black's hand. The envelope was sealed with his dad's personal stamp, meaning it was of utmost secrecy and importance.

"Are you sure Father gave you this?" Buu asked excitingly as he grabbed the sealed letter from Black.

"Yes, young master." Black looked at the letter now in Buu's hand.

Buu, unable to hide his excitement, quickly but carefully tore the seal on the letter and begin to read the word's hidden inside.

"Son, I know you must be feeling a myriad of different emotions right now, but I want you to know that your leave from the Kid family is only temporary! This was the only way I could see to protect you and the family from the claws of the Crown Prince. You might be confused as to why the crown prince is after you and the family, It is because of the battle for the throne. Ever since I broke through into the Grandmaster realm, our Kid family became one of the top three families in the kingdom besides the Royal family. Naturally, the crown prince has been doing everything in his power to bring our family to his side. He even went as far as sending his younger cousin, the young master of the Sword Horizon Sect, to propose for your sister's hand. This time, I could not refuse. I, having already refused the crown prince's offers too many times, had pissed him off to the point that he used the sword horizon sect to threaten us. Haha, I fear that if I really refused this time, He would really mobilize all his power to destroy our family. Although our family is strong, we don't have the strength to fight against the crown prince yet. He not only controls the other two powerful families in our kingdom, The Pure family and the Oh family, by having the young master of the Sword Horizon Sect propose to your sister, he is showing us that he also controls the Sword Horizon Sect. The only plan the elders and I could come up with to save our family from this crisis was to have you drink some aphrodisiac and attack your sister. We knew that with her strength she would be able to protect herself, and with her personality, she would take her anger out on you, especially with my "approval." If you are wondering why you and not somebody else, It's because only you, son, could save our family from this situation. I also noticed when that young master brat from the sword horizon sect was proposing, he had some hidden killing intent towards you, although he tried to hide it, how could I, a grandmaster of the martial path, not notice this. This was the best choice we could make for you and the family. Inside this letter is a ring your mother left for you. The bloodline of your mother is something even the peak martial gods crave in their dreams. You are not a half-breed devil son, you are a miracle waiting to happen. With this ring, I hope you can re-cultivate and reach the Grandmaster realm. I did not expect your sister to destroy your cultivation, don't worry, I will make sure to punish her. Your mother once said that only could open the ring and that only someone with her bloodline could open what was inside. The background of your mother is something that could crush the royal family as easy as stepping on an ant. I hope that with that, you can quickly cultivate to the grandmaster realm because only then will we be able to save the situation. I have managed to give you three years until the engagement, I hope you will bring me a great surprise son. Cultivate well."

As Buu read the letter from his dad, his mood changed with every word. When he finally finished, Buu grabbed the ring stuck to the bottom right corner of the letter.

The Ring looked like a tiny bronze gear, and Buu wasn't even sure if it was meant to be worn on the finger. Taking the letter, Buu looked around the room and found a candle on the stand next to the bed. He crumbled up the letter and put it in the top, watching it burn until it was gone.

Finally, Buu seemed to relax a little and looked at Black saying, "Where are we now, Black?"

"We are still in the city of grace young master, we are at an Inn in the western area," Black responded slowly.

Buu nodded his head. He looked down at the gear looking ring in his hands again begin to think of what his father had said and what his next move should be. Absentmindedly, Buu put the ring on his left middle finger and felt the weird shape on his hand.

Hopping out of his daze, Buu felt lost, he really could not think of what to do. He started thinking back to the fighting arena and suddenly clenched his fist. The sister he had admired and loved since he was a child mercilessly crippled his budding cultivation.

"How merciless," he thought. But when he remembered what he tried to do to her, he couldn't even feel even the slightest anger towards her. He deserved everything she did.

Still clenching his fist, Buu finally started to calm down a little. He felt a stinging pain in his left hand, and looking down, he was a little horrified. The bronze ring had turned completely red and was rotating on his finger. With every rotation, the ring cut deeper into his skin and the blood seemed to be flowing into the ring. The outside of the ring started to shift and after a while, the gear look of the ring completely disappeared and what was left was a normal looking ring. The ring stopped rotating and returned to its bronze color and even the skin on Buu's finger stopped bleeding and healed.

"1st Level Unlocked!" A giant and powerful voice rung through Buu's head. Buu was shocked and looked down at the ring on his hand. A massive space appeared in his head and when he saw what was inside, He immediately started trembling with excitement.

"Young Master, are you alright?" Black's shocked voice appeared from the side. Black looked at Buu nervously, He saw his master become horrified and then a few seconds later become so excited that he was trembling. He couldn't help but wonder what was in the letter that made his young master start acting so weird.

"Black, I'm fine, haha, I'm more than fine," Buu said as he looked at the worried Black.

"Black, Do you know anything about the battle for the crown?" Buu thought and asked Black seriously. Black had been with Buu every since he was a child, and to be a better butler, he was always taking in information about a lot of things so he could be prepared for anything Buu would need.

"Yes, young master," Black saw that Buu was serious look on and immediately responded. Thinking of what he knew he said, "His Majesty the Emperor had three sons in this whole life, The Crown Prince who controls the top noble families, the second prince who controls the kingdom's economy and underground, and the mysterious third prince. The Third Prince and his mother disappeared right after his birth and no one knows where he is, however, the king did not declare them dead and even hinted that the third prince was doing very well. The rumor among the noble families is that the Third prince is secretly controlling the imperial army and will appear when the fight for the throne is imminent."

"Hmmm, Black, I have to recultivate again from the start, we can't rely on the family for now, in the public's eye, I have already cut ties with the Kid family. Where do you think I should start?"

"For now?" Black understood what Buu was saying and almost jumped for joy. He now knew that someday they would return to the Kid family. Although Black was excited, he controlled himself, from what Buu said and the fact that he asked about the battle for the crown, He could now tell that the reason Buu had to leave the family temporarily had something to do with the battle. Seriously thinking on the situation, Black finally gave Buu his honest opinion.

"Young Master, The best place and start for someone who doesn't have a powerful family or background protecting them is definitely The Imperial Army. Every single person in the Imperial Army, unless they break imperial law, is placed under His Majesty the Emperor's Protection. No one, including the noble families or princes, will be able to touch you." Black said seriously.

"Good, The Imperial Army it is then. Let's go to the nearest enlisting station."