Ethan stared at thr mirror dumbfounded by his own appearence . Tracing his tiny hands on his smooth jade like skin with wide eyes "why am i a f**king loli" Ethan sigh while trying his best to recall what happen.


Ethan jumped in shock while a sound rang out in his mind.

"Congrauation host for successfully merging with the body and recieving a small reward pack. Would host like to open the package? "

Host level : 0 (0/1000) host is more worthless than dog crap

Magic power (MP) : 10/10

Skills : Not yet accuired

Spells : Low tier : Speed enhancement, consumption 5 mp every minute.

Does host wish to regain memories of the previous host?

Ethan was unexpectedlly calm in his previous life he had read about being transfered to other world in novels and how the main character is always overpowered thinking of this,Ethan swiftly replied"Yes,f**k you and yes"

Instantly memories of the body he's in gushed into his mind. "Ethan Es Herlbern,Since 8 years old, he was plagued him resulting in him becoming more feminine and retain the appearance of a 8 year old had just graduated from basic wizard achdemy.

"seems like i really am a loli..." Ethan sigh in regret that he isn't a handsom rich boy."

This also raise the displeasure and jealousy from the female classmate, thus inducing many girls of his age to majorly discriminate and bully Ethan.

Ethan Es Herlbern have both parents and a sister which total up to a family of four.

Due to finacial instability he was forced to work as a noodle maker but that resulted in silky smooth skin. In the entrance exams Ethan scored a astounding 9997th of 10000 place of those who got accepted.

Having all the information on his previous self explained Ethan heard an irritable voice coming from outside his bedeoom.

"Ethan come out to eat your food before it gets cold." This annoying voice comes from his older sister.

"Shut up im coming Ria. " Ethan shouted back

"Hurry up your going to be late for the entrance ceremony." the nagging Ria said in a unsatisfied tone

Under Ria's constant nagging Ethan went to the bathroom,and started preparing for the day. During his shower....

"Crap since when did a loli has a trunk ( penis )in between their legs. " Ethan shouted in astonishment as he stared at his Donger. "Wow I'm embarrassed even a kid's di*k is bigger then my old body's" sighing deeply Ethan got out of the shower and got dressed

He came out of the shabby bathroom and went towards the dining table. Dissapointed by the fact that there is no meat dishes on the menu for today. Even though Ethan knew about them being poor he couldn't help but think of meat. This desire sprout from the merger of the two different personalities of both Ethans.

"What element do you think will awaken Nya"

the randomness of his sister surprised even him, when did she transformed into a cat girl.

"I'll take what ever I get but hopefully... it's the strongest attack... based, Fire , but water isn't so bad... either."

"Stop talking while eating you're spitting food all over me" Ethan acted as he did not hear a thing and continued eating. After he finished the food and putting it on his sister's empty plate he walked to the door in big strides and said sheepishly while the excitement reflected in his eyes " bye I'm off too school now, clean the plate up for me. "