
Gold Heights Condominium.

It was already past 3 AM when Iris, Dom and their driver arrived home. Even so, Yi Mei still welcomed them, her face filled with worry. She immediately fussed around Iris, making sure that her Young Miss was safe and uninjured.

Dom ran straight to the kitchen to heat up an extremely late dinner. He was so hungry that he could die! The driver joined him.

Yi Mei encouraged her Young Miss to eat, but Iris declined. She had no appetite.

Iris didn't feel well. She was still feeling alright while they were at the police station, but when they were in the van on the way home, her body started aching. She also felt a nagging headache. Perhaps she overexerted herself when she fought against the Alarm Girls, in addition to the accumulated exhaustion from the daily rehearsals and her performance at the launch party.