More Capable

Iris observed Jiang Ying Yue's expression. She could sense that Jiang Ying Yue still had feelings for Long Hui. Something must've happened for her to reject Long Hui's repeated proposals. She inwardly shrugged, not wanting to interfere in other people's relationships. As long as her godson was safe and well, she didn't care how Jiang Ying Yue and Long Hui dealt with their own relationship with each other.

Dom continued to prattle on and on about Long Hui's heartfelt "confession" on TV. Iris could see that Jiang Ying Yue was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Your voice still sounds a little stuffy, Dom. Why don't you go rest?" she suggested just to get him off of Jiang Ying Yue.

"Eh? But I feel alright, boss. Don't worry! I'm already reco—" Dom sneezed hard, not once but two times. "Who is it?! Who's talking badly about my handsome and gorgeous self?!" Then he sneezed again.

"See? You're not fully recovered yet. Go take a rest, Dom," Iris told him.