Hello Daddy

"Ketchup is right! She detected dangerous objects outside the door, that's why I attacked!"

Jin Liwei frowned in confusion. "Ketchup?"

"Jin Liwei, have you lost your mind? Why would you bring explosives into our home?!! We have children here!!!"

Of course, she was referring to Little Jun and the cats.

"Remove those dangerous objects from our home! Immediately!"

"Do what she says," Jin Liwei ordered his subordinates. Then he started removing his safety gear.

They nodded and began carefully repacking everything into the bags. One of them assisted his colleague who was now thankfully recovering from the Mistress' brutal stranglehold earlier.

Iris was fuming that the men brought actual explosives into their home. The last time she saw explosives, the estate she lived in was being bombarded into extinction. She died that fateful night.