Final Trigger

The door to the unit burst open and several men in black suits rushed inside. They were Jin Liwei's subordinates who were assigned at the condominium building. Their main duty was to ensure the safety of everyone at the penthouse, especially when Iris and Jin Liwei stayed there. They were separate from the condo building's security personnel headed by Jiang Ying Yue herself. These days, they also began serving as Viscountess Wei Lan's bodyguards.

Behind these men, Wei Lan, Clover, Yi Mei, the cook and the other household staff from upstairs also squeezed themselves inside the unit. They were all carrying something in their hands as weapons. Wei Lan held a hair curling iron which was still hot, Clover a slipper, Yi Mei a broom, and the cook a butcher knife. The other household staff also held an assortment of pans, mops, belts, and even a net of big oranges.