
When the countdown on the big screen reached the one minute mark, a length of big ribbon and a huge pair of scissors were brought onstage. Iris and Jin Chonglin held the huge scissors together behind the ribbon. The Bauer siblings stood beside Iris while Chen Fei and Long Jinjing stood beside Jin Chonglin on the other side. The Chua siblings continued to play their roles as the emcees.

Dom: "Less than one minute left until we officially launch the company and release Orchidia Beauty's first products!"

Everyone stood up. 

Finally, Clover started the countdown.


Everyone joined her, shouting each number.






Iris and Jin Chonglin cut the ribbon with the huge scissors.

Loud cheers of celebration and applause.

"It's official!!! Orchidia Beauty is launched!!! Yay yay!!!" Dom and Clover shouted together, jumping in excitement like little children.