His Excellency

Kang Huizhong's appearance diverted the reporters' attention away from Jiang Ying Yue and Long Hui. He was, after all, the famed lawyer of the country's number one company, Jin Corporation.

The reporters once again changed their targets and surrounded Kang Huizhong. But before they could get too close, the elderly gentleman's piercing eyes beside him made them stop in their tracks. An invisible barrier naturally formed between Kang Huizhong with his elderly companion and the reporters. The pair started walking. The reporters followed them but maintained at least a metre's distance.

"Hey, is it just me or that old man also looks familiar?" one of the reporters asked.

"Nope. I don't recognize him," replied a young reporter in his twenties.

An older gentleman piped in. "No, it's not only you. I also feel like I've seen him before."