What’s the Secret?

Later, the freshly showered and dressed Iris and Jin Liwei ate breakfast together with Dom and the cats. The atmosphere was lively with the two chatterboxes Dom and Ketchup gossiping about random topics.

Popcorn was his usual energetic self, trotting here and there and stretching his agile body to aid the digestion of his breakfast. On the other hand, Ice Cream felt grumpy because everyone refused to give her more food. How dare they starve her?! Hmph! She was almost able to persuade her mommy by acting cute but her strict daddy ruined all of her efforts and scolded her because of some rubbish the evil vet said about her. Now her mommy was acting strict, too. Ice Cream wanted to throw a tantrum but she was scared that her daddy would get angry at her. Whatever. If they didn't want to feed her, then so be it! She would just continue her beauty sleep.

Zzzzzz…. Snore… Snore….