Additional Incentive

"I'm fine, really," Long Jinjing said in a hurry. Then she tugged Lu Zihao's hand. "Don't scold my sister. It's not her fault that I'm so clumsy."

Lu Zihao studied her for a few moments, checking if she was really unhurt, before finally nodding. 

Iris also continued observing the two of them, a small smile playing on her lips. She didn't mind that her brother scolded her a little and was being protective of Long Jinjing. On the contrary, she found it very intriguing.

"What's going on here?" Jin Liwei's voice interrupted them when he arrived beside Iris. He wrapped his arm around her waist before looking at Lu Zihao.

"Nothing much, darling," Iris replied. "We were just making sure that Big Sister Jinjing is not hurt."

Jin Liwei nodded. 

"We, ladies, are done with our bouquet toss. It's the men's turn now for the tossing of the garter. Get everyone ready, Liwei."

"Okay, love."