A Few Days Left Until the End

"Don't always depend on Bacon to do the most difficult tasks I assigned to your team," Lu Zihao scolded a member of his hacker team on the phone. "I know that he has made your work so much easier and more convenient but I didn't borrow him from my sister—correction, I didn't 'hire' the kid to work for me so that all of you could be lazy! A fucking AI child is outperforming all of you! If you don't get up your lazy asses, then what's the point of paying all of you? I might as well give all your salaries to that money-grubbing rascal. He sure as hell can do all of your work and better!"

He stopped to listen to his subordinate's apology and promise to work harder. 

"You better all work your lazy asses harder or watch me teach each of you a lesson the next time I return to the headquarters. I don't want to hear any more chickenshit whining about Bacon's absence!"