The Wait

Orchidia Beauty.

"Whoa, girl!" Chen Fei exclaimed when Long Jinjing emerged from the bathroom. "I thought that you were pooping because you were taking so long in the toilet. It turns out that you were actually dolling up! Date with the boyfriend?"

Long Jinjing turned red but still nodded. "Ni—Zihao will be picking me up soon. He's taking me out for dinner at a restaurant."

"Ah." Chen Fei nodded before slowly circling Long Jinjing and inspecting her entire outfit. "You look hot in that turtleneck dress. But why are you covering it up with that blazer? Take it off!"

Long Jinjing pulled her blazer tighter to her body to prevent her best friend from removing it. "Xiao Fei, please stop. I need to wear something over the dress because…uhm, it's cold! I'll feel cold if I don't have this blazer."