Carrying the Next Generation of Jins

"Dominic Chua, you sure don't think highly of this superstar prince, do you?" Jin Chonglin said in a grumpy voice.

"Ehehehe. What do you mean, Prince Lin Lin? My pure maiden heart always starts skipping a beat and racing like a demented stallion on sugar high whenever I watch your exciting performances. Such a handsome, sexy and talented musician like you is someone worthy of respect, so of course my beautiful and gorgeous self think highly of you."

Jin Chonglin chuckled, clearly smug. "I'll accept your admiration since you're so genuine."

"But of course, my boss is still the number one musician in my heart and my soul. Don't worry though, Prince Lin Lin. You're still in second place. Nobody can take it away from you unless boss and sir boss' babies decide to become musicians in the future as well. Ehehehe."