Create Your Own Future

"Heh. So you're calling me, your own uncle, a scumbag behind my back, huh? Who the hell is teaching you this kind of deplorable manners? Your father?" Lu Zihao narrowed his eyes at his AI nephew. His expression was cold and threatening. 

He immediately blamed his brother-in-law. The thought that it might be his little sister who corrupted her AI children never entered his mind even once. His sister was so pure. She was an angel. It must be her husband's fault for being such a bad example to their AI children.

Bacon tilted his little, fluffy, black head to the side and blinked his golden eyes, widening them in an obvious attempt to act innocent. "Isn't it Uncle Zihao who usually trashtalks other people behind their backs? Bacon is just imitating Uncle Zihao. Father would sooner ground us than teach us this kind of things. Please don't blame Father when it's clearly Uncle Zihao who sets this example to your niece and nephew. It's not classy."