Competing Against Herself

The major awards in other categories were given out one after another interspersed between varieties of performances.

JJ lost the Best Producer Award this year. It was clear from his scowling expression that he was displeased by the results.

Pandemonium rocked the entire place. Although the song that they performed was released before they became LXC Studio artists, they decided to rearrange it for tonight's performance following Iris Long's advice when they happened to meet at LXC Studio. The result was a more fine-tuned emotional and soulful head-banger. 

Iris was pleased by their performance. There was still a lot of room for improvement but the guys always showed their desire to learn new things. She was looking forward at how much they would improve in the future as LXC Studio artists.

Afterwards, it was time for another category to which Iris received a nomination. This time, however, she shared it with another person.