
The reporters and paparazzi yelled after them, but Chen Fei didn't look back. She continued dragging Jin Chonglin toward Liberté.

Along the way, Jin Chonglin's army of fans cheered for the couple. Even the Black Stars joined in showing their support.

"Good job, COO Chen!"

"Show them who's the boss!"

"Wow! COO Chen is as cool as our Boss Iris!"

"Why do I feel like our Prince Lin Lin is the damsel in distress being protected by Miss Chen who's the knight in shining armour?"

"Look at Prince Lin Lin's silly grin!"


Jin Chonglin flashed his killer smile and waved at his fans on instinct. He didn't hear his fans making of him again with the Black Stars.

Chen Fei heard everything. Although she didn't acknowledge the fans (she wasn't a celebrity herself, so why would she try to satisfy any fans' request?), the corners of her mouth still curved up.