Shocking News


The soil mixed with the hot air and permeated the wasteland.

After the huge energy beam disappeared, the remaining high temperature melted the earth and presented a gorgeous crystal. Zaraki Kenpachi was holding the sword in his hands and slashing, and behind him was a huge rift valley with a diameter of thousands of meters.

Zaraki Kenpachi's situation was not good. Half of his body was baked into black coke under the high temperature. If not for his chest still rising and falling weakly, he was afraid that others would only regard him as a corpse.


Zaraki Kenpachi breathed in the hot air and coughed out two pieces of blood mixed with internal organs and asked, "What is the name of this move? It should not be the ordinary cero, right?"

"Gran Rey Cero." Grimmjow also consumed a lot of energy. At this time, even standing was very difficult. He said with difficulty, "This is the exclusive cero that only we, the ten blades, can use. The power is enough to distort time and space. I didn't expect you to be able to block it!"

"It's really dangerous..." Zaraki Kenpachi gasped and looked down at zanpakuto who was holding his hands and said, "If the old man didn't teach me this move, I'm afraid I would really die this time."

"Can you still move? death god!"

Grimmjow stood up and bent down to make a pouncing posture, his eyes flashing with cold killing intent.

"What do you think, Arrancar!"

Kenpachi waved his sword, and his face once again revealed a wild color. "The battle is not over yet. How can I fall!"

Spiritual Power rose again!

The two completely different Spiritual Power, blue and gold intertwined and merged, splitting the entire world in half!

Air, sky, ground, plants...

Everything in the world trembled under this horrible pressure.

The strong wind filled with strong fighting intent once again rolled up a terrible air wave, indicating that the battle between the two was going to restart again!

He actually... still wanted to fight

The battle intent of these two people was so strong that it shocked Coulson.

They had already fought to such an extent, but they still continued. Were they all monsters who did not know exhaustion?

But at the same time,

Coulson felt a trace of relief.

If not for the 'Space Freeze' technique that Soul Society had set up beforehand, half of New York would have been destroyed after this battle, let alone how many ordinary people would have died miserably.

The entire space froze at this moment.

The two powerful auras that were becoming stronger and stronger rose up, like two volcanoes that were about to erupt with destructive energy!

Just as everyone was focused and waiting for the battle to happen, a figure suddenly appeared and interrupted the solemn atmosphere of the confrontation between the two.

Chi La ---

In the middle of the two, space was suddenly torn apart by an invisible force, and a white arm stretched out from the black turbulence.

This scene stunned everyone for a moment, and their attention was attracted to the arm.


From the broken black hollow, a beautiful girl with short golden hair walked out.

The blonde girl was wearing the same white dress as Grimmjow, and her slender and white waist led people to have endless imagination, but the white bone armor covering her right arm undoubtedly told everyone her identity!

It was another [Arrancar]!

Coulson's face suddenly became quite ugly, and he was even more worried about the captain.

Just one Arrancar was enough to give him a headache, and now there was another Arrancar. Could it be that today he wanted to witness the death of a Captain death god?

God knows if Soul Society would ask them to punish him if a captain level death god died.

After all...

To talk about the cause of this matter, it was their S. H. I. E. L. D. who provoked it!

Coulson looked at the three people anxiously and whispered to death god, "Mr. Lod, there are two Arrancar over there. Will Soul Society send people to help?"

"This... I don't know." 'Lod' pondered a little and said, "But judging from the decision-making speed of Central 46, I'm afraid it will be too late to send reinforcements."

"Then... do you want to help Captain Zaraki?" This time, Coulson was more panicked. Even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance, he did not dare to bet whether Soul Society would be wise or not.

"Coulson, don't joke." 'Lod' said with a calm face, "I am just an ordinary death god. How can I have the ability to intervene in the Captain level battle? Let's just watch obediently."

"Then... what if Captain Zaraki is dead?"

"Of course it is to hold a burial ceremony and then deeply mourn."

"No more?"

"What else?"


Coulson was speechless.

On the battlefield.

Looking at the blond girl who suddenly appeared, Grimmjow could not help but frown slightly, and said in a questioning tone, "Gwen, what are you doing here?"

Gwen glanced at Zaraki Kenpachi, and looked at Grimmjow, who was in a sorry state, and said coldly, "Grimmjow, your mission should be to bring back Kars, not to tangle with death god here, right?"


Grimmjow was stunned, and then his face suddenly became a little strange.

Seeing his expression, Gwen instantly understood, and the coldness in his eyes became thicker and thicker. He said coldly, "Grimmjow, don't tell me that you have forgotten your task? Is Kars dead?"

"Humph, my task does not need you to intervene!" Grimmjow obviously said stubbornly, "Of course Kars is not dead. It is near the sea area. Anyway, I will take it back."

"Don't dilly-dally." Gwen's frosty face eased slightly as he urged, "King has been waiting in Las Noches for a long time. You should know the result of being late."

"Tsk, tsk, I know. I'll take Kars back now." Grimmjow's arrogant look flashed a little unnatural, turned his head and stared at Zaraki Kenpachi fiercely, saying, "Your luck is good, it seems that today is not the time of your death, but next time you are not so lucky, Captain death god!"

The voice just fell.

Grimmjow and Gwen disappeared together.

"Transport? Hum... The lucky person should be you, Arrancar." Zaraki Kenpachi stared at the direction of the two people leaving, and after a moment of silence, he sheathed the jagged zanpakuto.

Coulson wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally... it's over!"


This is the best result for S. H. I. E. L. D. and human beings!

Zaraki Kenpachi looked around and found them and came over, which made Coulson's heart, which had originally fallen, suddenly raised to his throat.

Zaraki Kenpachi approached, the tall body looked down at the two people, and his eyes fell on death god on the side. He frowned and said, "Lod Carl, why are you here?"

'Lod' adjusted his glasses and said with a smile, "I am death god, who is responsible for guiding souls in the modern world. When I found Spiritual Power, Captain Zaraki, suddenly appeared, I naturally needed to come and take a look."

"Spending time on this boring work will make your sword blade more and more dull." Zaraki Kenpachi snorted, and then he seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, the old man let me come this time to ask if you are willing to go back and take over the position of Captain."

'Lod' still had a smile and replied, "The position of Captain... Forgive me for not being able to take over for the time being. After all, my strength is not enough to be competent."

"You are too modest Lod Carl." Zaraki Kenpachi eyes narrowed, and there was a faint fighting spirit rising. "The current you should have mastered Bankai, right?"

"Captain Zaraki , please don't talk nonsense."

Lod' said without a change in expression: "I am just a little death god, how can I master Bankai?"

"Little death god?"

Zaraki Kenpachi seemed to have heard a joke, suddenly burst out laughing, turned to look at him meaningfully and said, "In the first year in the Spiritual Arts Academy, you can already master zanpakuto Shikai, and the man who won the favor of ten captains, known as a genius rarely seen in a thousand years, cant be called 'little'."

This... is a big news!

One by one, the heavy news shocked Coulson.

It turned out that the death god they first met was actually a genius in the entire Soul Society!

Most importantly...

This death god, who was called Lod Carl, had the qualifications and strength to take over Captain!