The Balance

[Ding ---]

[This Challenge Rating: S Class]

[Because of inheriting the name 'Kenpachi', you have received a hidden reward. ]

[Upgrade: Zanjutsu Lv.5 → Lv.6]

[Upgrade: Hakuda Lv.5 → Lv.6]

[Upgrade: Hoho Lv.5 → Lv.6]


Amidst the continuous system notifications, a series of dizzying numbers flashed past Lod's eyes.

Among death god's four basic skills (Zankensoki), other than Kido, the other three skills had always been lacking. After experiencing the deathly duel against Unohana Yachiru, he finally made up for this flaw.

Then, the System's voice sounded again.

[The challenge reward is being issued. Host, please check! ]

[Superior Soul*1][Medium Soul*100][Zanpakutō-Minazuki][Bankai-Minazuki][Zanjutsu·Eight Thousand Sword Style]


"The dog system actually became a human!"

Looking at the golden light that almost blinded his eyes, Lod couldn't help but let out a short and spasming breath, his chin hitting his foot.

There was no need to talk about how powerful it was. As someone who had personally experienced it, Lod had long coveted it. Now that he had obtained it, it would probably be difficult for him to even die in the future!

Zanjutsu - Eight Thousand Sword Style. It was a bit unexpected.

It was the Zanjutsu school that had been created after Unohana Yachiru had mastered all the schools. It was more inclined to a concept than skills.

After more than a month of hard work,

The earnings are not as much as this battle. Unohana Yachiru is worthy of being Soul Society's most fierce woman. If there are a few more 'The Battlefield in the Heart' in the future, I'm afraid there will be no need to go and draw the gacha, right?

Thinking about Hōgyoku Aizen and Peak Old Man, Lod could not help but leave a trace of saliva, as if he saw Kyōka Suigetsu and Ryujin Jakka waving to him.

"Forget it, don't dream about it." Lod soon calmed down and laughed at himself. With his current strength, it was no different to challenge a demi god.

However, he believed that the day would not be too far away.

One day, he would surpass all of death god and reach the peak that no one had ever been able to stand on!

The corners of Lod's lips curled into a gentle smile. He lowered his head to look at zanpakuto, which had changed back into an ordinary style. He stroked the sword as if he were a close lover and said, "In the future, I hope that you can give me some guidance, Kansōmei."

Weng ---

Sword's body trembled slightly, as if he was responding to his master.

"I will always be by your side, until the end of time." A cold voice that was like an orchid in an empty valley rang out from the depths of his soul.

In this trial, what surprised Lod the most was not the rewards the system had given him.

Instead, he had finally awakened his own zanpakuto and learned her name - Kansōmei.

If one word was used to describe Kansōmei's ability, then the adjective he could think of was 'pervert'!

Using the sword Blade of Kansōmei to choose, the 'Lod' that existed at a certain moment in the past, and then perfectly repeating the actions of that 'Lod' at that time, his current selection range was within thirty days!

In a simple and easy description.

That means that Lod could reproduce all the moves he had used in the past thirty days, and the consumption of Spiritual Power was very small.

The only flaw was that he could only choose a single time period of the past, and after choosing the time period, he could not repeat the selection in a few days!

But even if there were all kinds of restrictions, it could not hide the horror of 'Kansōmei'!

According to the theory of zanpakuto's growth, the future made Lod look forward to whether it would extend more powerful strength after Bankai!

He collected his thoughts and calmed his complicated thoughts.

Because the next part was the main event!

"System, open the gacha."

Lod rubbed his hands and shouted. He finally had some money left, so he had to use it for the lottery!

[Ding ---Are you sure you want to use 100 * medium soul souls as a lucky draw? ]


After the 100 medium souls were deducted, the familiar Unohana Retsu came out, and the white on her chest was eye-catching.

One treasure chest trembled slightly and shot out several rays of light!

The four colors of gold, blue, purple, and white intertwined, causing Lod's mood to sink to the bottom of the valley.


[White - male death god Association - Hot Spring Special Edition(Ōmaeda Marechiyo)]

[White - Las Noches - Espada Restriction Clothes]

[Golden - Kisuke Urahara(Store Manager)]

[Purple - ExperimentalNotes(Remnant)]

[Gold - Freund Schild]

[White - Ōmaeda Marechiyo's Observing Diary]

[Purple - Hoho Experience Book * 10]

[Purple - Hakuda * 10]

[White - zanpakuto, Gegetsuburi]

[Gold - The Balance]


How should I put it...

It was a little unexpected, a little painful, and a little wanted to curse.

Although his lucky god did not die, there seemed to be a problem with the blessing. The rewards were good and bad, and could not be generalized.

But what made Lod puzzled was...

Isn't Ōmaeda Marechiyo's appearance rate a bit too high?

Male death god Association Hot Spring Court Special Edition(Ōmaeda Marechiyo Special Edition) Does the dog system have some misunderstanding about him? Only people want to see this stupid joke?

Lod took a deep breath and calmed down his irritable mood. He thought that maybe 'Ōmaeda Marechiyo's observation diary 'was a little useful, but after flipping a few pages, the veins on his forehead suddenly popped out: "Isn't this a perverted peeping diary?"

The diary is full of daily events related to Soi Fon. The details are enough to let the diary be found by Soi Fon and paint a bee pattern on Ōmaeda Marechiyo!

Rip ---

After tearing the diary and the special magazine into pieces, Lod decided that when he saw that fatty again in the future, he would beat him into a pig's head so that he could vent his anger today.

After dealing with the trash, he would read the book and what was next was the main character!

In the original work, The Balance was the exclusive Schrift of Haschwalth.

Through contact, the effect of "unfortunate" is given to the other party, and the party who is "unfortunate" will become vulnerable. The "unfortunate" here can be understood as injury or physical state and so on. The weapon Freund Schild can replace himself, bear the misfortune that befalls him, and reflect the misfortune to the other side.

There was one saying, too pretentious.

In layman's terms, The Balance was absolute defense, absolute offense, and anti-injury!

So in front of Haschwalth, if he could beat him, he would be killed by sword in an instant, and if he could not beat him, he would definitely not be able to beat him, except for Ishida Uryū, who has massive plot armor.