
"The vengeful spirit..."

Black Heart Demon's face suddenly darkened, his eyes cloudy and uncertain, as if he was really intimidated by Johnny.

The light blue flames and the red hellfire mixed together, and the two intertwined, showing a mottled and strange color. It did not look like pure hellfire, nor was it an unknown blue flame.

However, it was this kind of mottled and full of impurities that made the arrogant Black Heart Demon dare not take a step forward!

The Ghost Rider originated from the vengeful spirit!

However, Mephisto had never told him about the origin of the vengeful spirit.

In the past, whenever he asked about this matter, he would see the sly and treacherous father of the Demon King reveal a secretive expression and strictly warn him not to investigate the origin of the vengeful spirit.

It was obvious that with Mephisto's status, he was very afraid of this matter.

However, the Dark Demon, who was still in its infancy, did not think much of it. It felt that Mephisto was making a big deal out of it, so it secretly investigated the origin of the vengeful spirit under the urge of its strong unknown desires.

In its eyes, the Ghost Rider was just a dog raised by hell!

Even if he had a little ability, could he be stronger than his father?

Mephisto was known as the King of All Demons, and the territory of hell ruled over the universe. He was one of the Demon Kings closest to the position of 'Satan', and there were only a handful of people who could match up to him.

But reality proved that...

Never underestimate the ability of a Demonish brat to stir up trouble!

Even though thousands of years had passed, the Black Heart demon could still clearly remember that when he attempted to use evil dark magic to pry into the memories of the vengeful spirit, a pair of large hands burning with blue flames suddenly appeared, directly tearing open a huge crack that was tens of thousands of miles long in the entire hell!

Then, a giant blue eye that was not mixed with any emotion, cold and terrifying, looked through the torn cracks in the hell like a high and mighty god, overlooking all the creatures in the hell!

As for later...

It was unknown what Mephisto and the giant blue eye talked about. In short, after sending the giant blue eye away, he hung it up and beat it up for more than a hundred years. During that time, he even used tens of thousands of punishments!

Even now, when he thought about it, the Black Demon felt his liver tremble!

Because of this, when he saw the faint blue in Johnny's flames, he felt extremely fearful.

Although he did not know the origin of the vengeful spirit, at least Black Heart Demon knew that the blue flames were not easy to deal with. If he could not get the giant eye out again, then there would be no father who could help him block the gun!

"Now, back off!"

Johnny shouted fiercely, clenching the Sacred Fangang Contract in his hand, as if Black-Heart Demon would burn it down in the next second if he did not do what he said!

"No problem, my friend."

The Black Heart Demon's eyes were as gloomy as water. He forced out a stiff smile. Although he was extremely unwilling in his heart and even wanted to kill Johnny.

However, there was a handle in Johnny's hand. In the end, the Black Heart Demon could only obediently raise his hands and slowly retreat backwards. Johnny,

Don't be agitated. Think about your girlfriend. If the contract is destroyed, she will die!

"Hurry up and release Roxanne!"

Johnny's pupils were burning as he shouted impatiently.

Something was wrong, something was wrong!

Black Heart Demon suddenly felt that something was wrong. His dark pupils were pulled into a vertical line, flashing with a cunning and treacherous light as if he was scanning Johnny!

Through observing the facial expressions of the person, as well as the emotions emanating from the heart, as well as the opening and secretion of the pores, the language movements of the limbs, and so on, they could accurately react to a person's current state!

His father was good at scamming and swindling, and as his son's black demon, it was naturally impossible for him to lose this ability.

Soon, he discovered a flaw!

Johnny's hand that was holding the scroll was trembling at a very difficult to detect degree. Moreover, from the trembling flames in his pupils, it could be seen that Johnny's heart seemed to be filled with nervousness.

Nervous, trembling, his gaze drifting...

Combined with all the previous situations, it would usually only appear on people who were lying!

In order to verify his conjecture, the Black Heart demon's gaze shifted slightly. He turned to observe the mottled color of the flames and then found a slight clue for him.

The blue flames mixed in the hellfire actually did not come from Johnny himself, but from some special substance. After being ignited by the hellfire, the color it showed when it was released!

In other words, it was fake!

It was not the so-called 'vengeful spirit' at all. Johnny did not have blue flames at all. He was also Mephisto's lackey - the Ghost Rider!

After seeing through Johnny's fake calmness and seeing that it was actually a lie that was a fox exploiting the tiger's might, the Black Heart Demon curled his lips into a sneer, his dark pupils revealing a mocking expression. "Not bad, Johnny, I was almost fooled by you. Do you really think I can't see through your tricks?"

"You... What do you mean by this?" The flames in Johnny's eyes flickered violently, and he subconsciously looked at Carter, who was next to him, as if asking for his opinion.

Almost in an instant!

When Johnny made this move, Carter Slade was speechless and let out a long sigh. On the other hand, the Black Heart Demon was happy and laughed wildly.

"Not good, I was fooled!" Only then did Johnny suddenly realize that the Black Heart Demon was actually deliberately deceiving him.

And his subconscious reaction, when he turned back to ask for Carter's opinion, just happened to confirm the Black Heart Demon's guess, confirming that the blue flame was fake!

Just a slight subconscious action made their plan burn!

The Black Heart Demon was indeed terrifying!

At this moment, Johnny finally understood why Carter was so afraid and secretive about the father and son!

"I... I'm sorry." Johnny was ashamed. If he had not been careless and made a mistake, the plan would not have been exposed so quickly.

"Forget it... No need to apologize. I never thought that I could use this method to deceive the Black Heart Demon." Carter sighed. He did not blame Johnny.

"This is the last warning. Give me the contract, or I will kill this woman right now!" The Black Heart Demon's voice was cold, and his eyes showed a touch of cruelty. He pinched Roxanne's neck from a distance.

"Uh ah..."

The unconscious Roxanne let out a painful groan, and five finger marks appeared on her fair neck.

"Don't, don't attack!"

Johnny screamed. He clutched the yellowed scroll tightly, his heart in pain.

"You still have three seconds!"

Black Heart Demon said coldly, "Don't think about stalling for time. Don't think about lying to me again. Don't talk about conditions with me. You only have one chance, understand?"

"... Okay!"

It was just one word, but Johnny seemed to use all his strength to gently throw the yellow scroll in his hand at the black demon.

This throw might destroy the world.

However, Johnny had no choice. This was the only way to save Roxanne.

Hu ---

The yellow scroll drew a perfect parabola in the air. The attention of the Black Heart Demon was completely drawn to it. His eyes were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy. His plan could finally be realized!

The next moment.

Just as the contract was about to fall into the Black Heart Demon's hands, layers of ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and then slowly opened like a rising curtain.

A slender, white hand stretched out from the curtain that hollow had pulled up. Then, under the surprised, shocked, and confused gazes of the Black Heart Demon and the others, he caught the contract of San Venganza.