Heaven's Fragment

Again, again and again!

It was like a storm, an attack that never stopped!

The majestic Spiritual Power was constantly washing away the earth that had already collapsed and shattered.

If someone was still awake at this moment, they would probably be scared silly on the spot when they saw this space, because this place seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth, and the surface of the earth was forcibly flattened dozens of meters.

The terrifying high temperature filled the air, mixed with the pungent smell of sulfur and lava.

Most of the ground was melted by the high temperature and turned into flowing lava. A small part of the ground was frozen in ice, and some of the ground was directly penetrated into the abyss thousands of meters deep, followed by huge crisscrossed ravines.

And the high and mighty Seraph, Zadkiel was lying in the sinkhole, on the verge of death.

The blue flame burning in his pupils was swaying like a candle in the wind, as if it could be extinguished at any time. The body made of white bones was on the verge of shattering, leaving only the upper body sticking together.

It was true that he was a Seraph.

However, the Seraph was unable to exert its full strength in the human world. Originally, it thought that it would be easy to deal with a Lord of Hell like Lod with the help of the Ghost Rider. However, it never occurred to him that it would actually fail miserably in such an easy task!

However, Zadkiel would never imagine that he would one day suffer such humiliation in the human world!

And the person who tortured him was a weak Lord of Hell.

He had originally thought that it was a relaxing and pleasant experience, but who would have thought that the other party would actually pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger. That man seemed to not know exhaustion, throwing out his big moves as if he did not want money!

Once, it was very easy.

Two times, it was slightly difficult.

Three times, he could grit his teeth and persevere.

But four times, five times, six times... and even ten times, Zadkiel was about to curse in his heart!

Who could casually throw out a big move?

If this was in the game, perhaps Zadkiel would have reported Lod for cheating!

Unfortunately, reality was not a game. There was no way to report the title.

"Damn it!"

Zadkiel used his remaining hand to prop himself up.


However, just as Zadkiel raised his head, his head came into contact with the ground.

Lod stepped on Zadkiel skull with one foot and gently placed the blood-red sword on the latter's neck. He said coldly, "It seems that the so-called Seraph is only so powerful."

"Damn Lord of Hell! I will kill you! I swear I will kill you!" Zadkiel was furious. As a noble Seraph, he was actually trampled on by Lord of Hell. What a shame!

"Kill me?"

Lod sneered as he raised his foot and stomped down heavily!


Zadkiel's head was stomped several inches into the ground.

Compared to the pain that his body was experiencing, what made him unable to accept was that his dignity was being trampled on!

He let out an angry roar.

He tried his best to struggle free, but it was as if there were several mountains pressing down on him, pushing him deep into the ground. There was no way for him to break free!

"I will remember you, Lord of Hell!"

An angry flame shot out of Kiel's eyes as he shouted resentfully, "When my main body breaks free and returns to the world, it will be the day that you, this damned insect, die!"

"Sure, I'll wait."

Lod did not care about his threat at all and mocked, "But you might have to line up when the time comes. After all, there are many people who want to settle scores with me. For example, Gabriel, Mephisto, and Lucifer. They are all ahead of you."

As the saying goes, there was no need to worry when there were more lice.

In any case, he had offended more than one person.

"State your name, Lord of Hell!" Zadkiel said hatefully, "The next time we meet, I will let you taste the most terrifying torture!"

"Next time?"

Lod chuckled and said, "I'm afraid there won't be a next time, Zadkiel."

"What do you mean by this?" An ominous feeling welled up in Zadkiel's heart. Looking at Lod's malicious eyes, he suddenly couldn't help but shiver!

"As the winner of the battle, I can't return empty-handed, right?" With a warm smile on his face, Lod grabbed Zadkiel's head with one hand and dragged him out of the buried soil. "I happen to have a small favor to ask of you."

Zadkiel was unable to resist. He was dragged out of the mud pit like a dead dog. Then, he was lifted into the air. He looked at Lod uneasily and asked, "Wait, what do you want to do?"

"The first question."

Lod grabbed Zadkiel's head and looked straight into his angry eyes. He asked, "Apart from sacrificing the souls of the fallen Saints, is there any other way to open the Holy Land?"

Zadkiel finally understood what he meant. He actually wanted to take away his holy land. He immediately glared at him and growled, "Stop dreaming. Damn Lord of Hell, don't even think about getting the Holy Land!"

The archangels had secretly hid the fallen fragments during the Battle of Heaven. For this reason, he did not even hesitate to be demoted to the human world. How could he hand it over to someone else so easily?

This answer was not unexpected to Lod.

In fact, this was the normal situation. After all, the importance of this fragment could be seen from the attitudes of Zadkiel and Mephisto. If he could get it so easily, he would probably doubt whether it was true or false.

"It doesn't matter."

Lod revealed his white teeth and smiled coldly. "Since you won't tell me, then I can only use my own method!"

Zadkiel was stunned for a moment. He asked, "What method?"

"Of course it's a soul of the same value." Lod looked at Zadkiel with a meaningful look in his eyes. "The soul of a Seraph should be enough to replace the soul of three thousand Saints, right?"

It had to be said that this idea was very bold.

Although there was only a small portion of the souls that were residing in Johnny's body, it was still a noble soul of an Seraph. It was more than enough to replace the souls of three thousand fallen Saints!

"You dare I am a Seraph!"

Zadkiel's expression changed drastically. Only now did he understand that this man in front of him was actually plotting against him!

"Do you dare or not? Why don't you give it a try and you will know?"

The smile on Lod's face gradually disappeared and was replaced by indifference and coldness. A huge suction force suddenly burst out from his palm!

"Ah -"

Zadkiel was horrified. The blue flames were swaying wildly as if they were resisting the terrifying suction force!

"Still dare to resist?"

Lod frowned, snorted coldly, and increased the strength in his hand!

Chi la!

Under the protection of the special field formed by Spiritual Power, a soul that was burning with faint blue flames was forcefully pulled out of Johnny Blaze 's body!

Taking advantage of the fact that Zadkiel was powerless to resist, Lod directly stuffed his soul into the contract of San Venganza!

"Roar -"

In his resentful roar, the remnant soul of Zadkiel became the key to opening the holy land in the contract!

[DING! ]

[Acquired: Broken Heaven(San Venganza) ]