Mysteries in Academy


       I watched as my Adhiti called out for my help. She's standing in the middle of the road. The rain drenching her clothes. As I looked into her eyes. All I could see is sorrow and rage. Together with rage, the thunder strikes somewhere near, illuminating her along with the appearance of two bulky men who stood behind her. Their heads started deforming and opened up like tentacles.

       I tried to reach for her but suddenly the whole world went zooming past by. Startled, I woke up and sat up from my bed. It's raining hard. I looked at the time, Twelve-midnight. I slipped off from bed, walked towards the window as I watched the lightning strikes nearby.

       It's been two years since I last saw her. That night, at Mystical Academy's anniversary, I wasn't able to see her perform.

       Her beautiful blue eyes that camouflage nature still lingers in my mind. The way she smiles, the way she laughs. Adhiti never left my memories, even though something gets into my dream, seducing me.

       I turned the lamp on my table. I pulled the swivel chair and sat down. Then, I picked up the student's lists and checked on students that will become my apprentices. However, there's no one. I take the job as a Physical Fitness teacher. I wanted to stay here in Outside World to find Adhiti.

       Humans never knew that there are hidden worlds on earth. The Outside World, where normal humans live. The ones who don't have the gift from the Gods and Goddesses. The Inside World, where people live longer than those of the Outside World. People in the inside world stop aging at the age of 20 and it will be another hundred years before they aged again. They will only be gifted a child if the Above World granted it. The Above World, is the world where the Gods and Goddesses live. A sacred place where they create the earth and the whole universe. Then, lastly the Under World. It's where evil stays. Demon, Devils, Satan~~ any beings that people describe as evil.

       Here in the Outside World, an academy has been made for the students with peculiar gifts. The gifts that they never knew where it came from. But we believe that it's a gift that was given to them. As the chosen one to protect the Earth and humans from Evil.

       I closed my eyes as I suddenly feel sleepy again. A woman is alluring me to sleep and to dream lucidly about lovemaking.

"Nicholas…" A voice whispered as the windows slammed open and the chilling wind invaded my room. I opened my eyes and looked around. I went out to the window on the other side and closed it. I stopped as I noticed, there's a light blinking.

       I opened the window again.

"Nicholas… find Adhiti…" A voice urges. I have no time to sleep and feel depressed. This is the sign that I have to find her.

       I stopped searching for a few months when I started having a relationship with Eliza, Adhiti's best friend. She said that she'll help me, however, everything turned into something that I didn't expect. To sleep with her and for my time to spend with her. My body felt like it has been controlled to be with her and to stop searching for Adhiti. Nonetheless, my soul, my mind, and my heart don't want to stop. 

       I planned to end my relationship with her, but somehow, there's something stopping me. Inside my head and controlling my decisions that take over my body to move, so I would stop searching for her and moved on. And I did for months until this sign came.

       I closed my eyes when I suddenly had a vision of someone driving a motorbike. It's raining hard. A curse under her breath… Guns… Adhiti… It must be her!

       I don't know why I could have a vision of it. Maybe the Goddess gave me a sign to find her. And she's close to me.

       I put my jacket on and took out my gun and filled it with bullets. I left my cottage and went outside, although the rain is showering hard on me. I saw sparks flew towards the boundary. I run to follow it fast. A crashing can be heard from the top hill where the highway is located.

       I climbed up and watched as the driver of the motorbike was thrown. She hit a stone that breaks her helmet and rolled down. I saw men coming out from the cars with guns. I lifted my gun, aiming it at them, and fired it. They quickly left and I watched as the spark's flies surrounded her. 

       My feet responded quickly as I run-up to her and reached her. I removed her broken helmet and put my hand over her head.

"Adhiti," Warm and cold sensation coming from me toward her and it gently closes the wound on her head. I use my gift of healing from the earth. I gently scooped her from the muddy grass and take her to my shoulders like a sack of rice as I walked down slowly.

       Once that I reached my cottage, I pushed open the door, taking her to my bed. I removed her backpack and her jacket. I turned on the lights and gaped.

       Her face is pale. She got that thick perfect shape brows. Long lashes, slender pointed nose, diamond-shaped face. It's my Adhiti.

"Adhiti," I called. But she isn't responding yet she's still breathing. I removed her jacket slowly and per shoes and pants that are soaking wet.

       I took the blanket and covered it for her. A loud shrills echo from the outside. I went to the door and locked it. I reached for my phone and called Marissa. My half-sister here in the Outside World. My father raped her mother and she's the fruit.

It's ringing. Then, after a few rings, she answered.


"Are you with Patrick?"

"No, why?"

"Go to my cottage. Bring warm clothes. Female warm clothes, underwear…" I said in a rush.

"Nick, calm down. What happened?"

"You need to come here, please." I almost begged her.

"I will go there, right now. But you need to calm down."

       I inhale and exhale to calm myself. Excitement and worry mixed inside me. I also feel shaking. I knelt beside my bed and reached Adhiti's hand and heal her again. But she's not healing fast because I wasn't calm.

       Her hand is cold. I hold it with both of my hands to warm it as I watched her breathe.

       Finally, after two years of missing her. She magically appeared in front of me. I don't know how long I am staying on my knees with my hands holding hers. A sudden knock on the door gets me slowly up to my feet. I suddenly felt numb for kneeling for long. I went to the door and opened it.

       Marissa entered, gave me a plastic bag and closed the umbrella and she removed her coat.

"What is it?" She asked and she stopped and stared at my bed. She walked quickly to the bed and she burst into tears. She covered her mouth and looked at me with wide eyes, happiness, and excitement. I nodded at her. "It's Adhiti," She exhaled slowly.

"Did you bring clothes?"

"I bring spare undies…" She wiped her tears and she caressed Adhiti's face. "It's really her."

"Yes," I nodded at her.


"I will tell everything to you. But you have to dry her and change her clothes."

       She nodded. She told me to bring towels. I went to the cabinet and took out fresh towels.

       Marissa sniffled and told me to look away. I heard the rustling of clothes. I exhaled and calmed myself. I have to be patient. Marissa told me that she needed to be carried while she changed the sheets.

       So, I took my Adhiti into my arms and kissed her forehead. My smile never fades as I looked down at her. She seemed to gain weight and she maybe grows taller. I don't know. It's been two years since Adhiti went missing and we assume that she's dead.

"Done!" Marissa said. I gently put her back to bed, even though I hate to let her go. "We have to wrapped up a few things. She is severely injured."

"I couldn't heal her whole body," I told her. "It seemed like my emotions don't get along. But her head is fine."

"I will heal her, but we have to support her leg. It seemed broken."

       We wrapped her leg with support and Marissa heal her. Just in case that she moved it unexpectedly.

       Since Marissa is my half-sister, she somehow had the affinity of earth. To control the plants, ground, and to heal. I am from a Royal Family. We are the only ones that have the affinity of Earth in the Inside World and it'll be pass to another generation. 

"She's good to go," Marissa said. "It's so cold outside." She sat on the bed beside Adhiti and tuck her in on the thick blanket. "Oh, Adhiti, you make everyone worry about you.

"Marissa," I called and I squatted in front of her as I hold her hand. "Adhiti has been running away. She's in danger. We have to help her."