Adhiti 04: Innocent Kiss Part 1

"Don't go out." He demands and opens the door. But I was stubborn and I hopped out before he did. I run to the werewolf and he growls in low sound. I gently lift my right hand.

"I won't hurt you, we're sorry." I kneel and gently caressed my hand on his nose bridge. He calms down and whimpers. "I'm sorry." I apologize to him. I stare into his eyes and smiles kindly. We heard a gun and that makes the wolf furious and makes my heart jump. I calm him down and I look up at Nicholas. He nods his head.

"You can heal him." He told me. "Like you always does to the plants."

I didn't think twice and I concentrate and felt iciness runs from my body to my hand towards the wolf. He calms down and he stopped from whining. We heard the hunters coming and I told the wolf to run fast. I and Nicholas ran to the car and I wave my hand to call the roots of the trees and they tripped the hunters. I laugh while Nicholas is driving the car.

"Next time don't stare at me while driving," I told him. He just shrugged and winks at me. I glare at him. "If you don't f-cking obey me, you dumbass, I won't ever talk to you." I threatened.

"Yes, Ma'am." He winks on me again which made my face heated up. I turn my head to my right avoiding facing him.

We stopped at a grocery store and he opens the door for me in a very gentleman way. He smiles adorably with his white teeth are showing. I saw my mother pushing a grocery cart with her paper bags inside. She started putting it on the trunk of her car. I grabbed him behind the truck before mom glance in our direction.

"Why are you hiding from your Mom?" he asked. His warm hand intertwines with mine. I glare at him and pull my hand from him. I peek in my mother's car and saw her get in and drove it away. I sigh and grabbed him. He chuckled and I look up at him. "So you wanted to hold me instead?" he teased. I look down at my hands that is holding his wrist. Then I dropped it and put my hands on the pocket of my sweater.

We walk in a deafening silence to nowhere. I look up at him when he put his arms around me. He kissed my temple and I nudge his ribs. He giggles and pulled me to a café. He ordered me my favorite four-season fruit cake. I don't know how he knows that it was my favorite but I don't mind. I enjoy eating it while sipping on a fresh four season juice. Then when I looked up at him he is taking pictures of me.

"Stop that!" I grimace at him. He chuckled and wiped the corner of my lips with his thumb and he sucked his thumb. Oh, that was… sexy. He never failed to make me stopped or shocked. I look down on my food and continue eating. I can see that he is leaning his chin over his intertwined fingers while watching me. "Can you damn, look away?" I flush. He shook his head mockingly.

He is stubborn and importunate. I go tomato if he didn't look away. So I stood and stomp my foot.

"Where are you going?" he held my wrist before I leave. "Come on, don't do this." He begs and when I glance at him he's pouting like a child. I sit back and he stood after I took the seat and sit beside me and he pulled his food beside mine. "Just to make sure you won't walk away."

I just sigh and lazily lean on the couch and played on my food. He nudged me and I glare at him. He pouted and leans his head to mine. I pushed his head by my head. He pushed his head and we are like bulls. I giggle and push his head by my hand.

"You are sometimes crazy." He said and sipped on his drink.

"You are always crazy…" I told him.

"Really?" he asked. I snorted. He got a gut to ask 'really' after I told him that he's crazy. "Isn't it adorable?" he asked in his so-oh-cute smile. I pinch his sides where he just laughed at me.

After we ate we went to the nearest park. I sit on the swing while he's pushing it for me to swing. I told him to stop and he held it. I feel like going to vomit because of the cake that I had eaten. I stood and hold my mouth. He put his arms around me and we walk towards the car.

"We need to go back home."

We arrived in our house and dad is standing on the staircase leaning on the post while watching us climb down the car.

"Hi, Dad!" Nick waves at him. I glare at Nick and was about to slap the back of his head.

"Nick, so you took my daughter without my permission." He stated.

"Our permission." Andrew and Patrick added as they walk towards the entrance of the house with cross arms like dad. I rolled my eyes. They are doing the same when I had dated my classmate when I am in grade eight.

"Come on, Bros… I just took her at the town for her not to sulk."

"Alright, get in Adhiti." The three gentlemen demands. I sigh and lazily walk to the foyer.

"Dude, I had brought the DVDs." I hear Nick said. "The new part of The Lord of the Ring and Divergent series—"

"Oh, thanks man, that's so sweet! C'mon… I'll give you kisses." Andrew said and I heard a noisy kiss.

"Eww, man! You are so gross, I like your sister, not you!" I flush on what he said.

"Chop-chop, Adhi," my dad threw his arms around me and pull me to the kitchen. "Is he courting you?" he asked out of nowhere while we are heading to the kitchen to help mom. I glare at Dad. "I know Nick, he's my apprentice. He's a good man and a responsible one, but you are too young."

"Daaaddd…" I weaned him. He hands up.

"Alright, let's grill our favorite barbeque dishes." I just sigh lazily. "Yehay!" he said childishly where I always do that when we are going to grill our favorite seafood and meats. Mom is smiling and then she turned serious.

"Oh, there is our little girl who hides with her date."

My shoulder falls and I pouted. So she had seen us. She winks at me. I chew my lower lips and help with preparing the plates. I bring it to the patio and when I get back to get the big shrimps to fried, Nick is there and he greets my mom like the way he greets my dad. Didn't he have parents? Why he's calling my parent's mom and dad? He even kissed my mom's cheeks like she is his real mom.