Catastrophe: Love Won't Make Me Lie Part 1

I hate alarm clocks. I don't like people ruining my sleep. I glanced at the alarm clock and throw it hard on the wall. I did not settle it. I guess that someone had settled it for me to wake up at four. I wanted to extend another hour so I sleep again. I felt Ruin cuddles at my back and also had felt the same I am feeling.

A loud ring deafens my left ear and makes me startle. That also startle Ruin who is sleeping behind me. When I get up I glare at the person who has the face of Nicholas holding my alarm clock.

"Get up and ready in five minutes." He demands and adjusted his sports watch. "Now!"

I groan and slowly crawls down the bed and went to the bathroom. It takes at least more than four minutes in the bathroom. I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. He bangs on the door and told me to double time. I ignore him and slowly brush my teeth. The door opens and I look at him in the mirror. Good thing that I already wrapped the towel around my body. He looked at me in an annoyed face on through the mirror.

"Put that down and wash your mouth, right now." He demands again. I spit down the sink and wash my mouth. When I stand straight, I felt his arms around me and he carried me quickly outside the bathroom that makes me shriek. "Don't do this on purpose, or else you won't like what I will do next."

We both walk outside and few girls are awake already and glance at us. Sometimes, they peek on us with disgust. I snorted and walk lazily. Good thing that there is Andrew who told me to cheer up because the training will be fun. I stop walking when I saw Flame talking with girls in so oh-charming-smile to them. I am not jealous or something. It is just too crazy because we almost make out near the river. Then he escorted me back to the dorm and kissed me again. I did not complain for the reason that I wanted to feel other men's kissed beside Nicholas and Jake.

When Flame had noticed our arrival he immediately jog towards me and I was about to avoid him but he already put his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I can see few glares from Andrew and mostly Nicholas who wanted to kill Flame, like right now. However, a playful side of me wanted to play with Flame. Like I did to Jake. We just go together and sometimes they kiss me and I let them but we don't have any official romantic relationship.

"Flame, please go ahead of us and ready everything." Nicholas orders. Flame grimaced at him and give him a: are-you-jealous-man- look. "I wanted you to be there first before us," Nicholas told him when we are walking near the door.

"Why?" Flame asked.

"Just do what I said." Flame rolled his eyes and stole a kiss from my cheek and run. When we are already outside, Nicholas told me to start stretching and I did. I stretch lazily because I don't like him demanding me. Andrew did the same while watching me.

Nicholas walked around behind me and hold my arm and push it a little hard for stretching. He did the same to my other arm. Then he told me to bent out with standing straight legs, I did when he walked around in front of me. I slowly stretch my right leg while it is almost 1 meter away from my other feet. I held out my left arm towards my right leg. After the stretching session, he told me to push up and sit up like Andrew is doing.

What I hate most about what he told me? Is to run from the dorm towards the gym which is really like a marathon. I hate it. The distance from our dorm to the gym is two kilometers almost three. So when I get there, I am breathless and I feel like dying. Flame gave me a bottle of water and I drank it all.

"Stand straight!" he told me a little loud. I was surprised when he passed the basketball. Good thing that my reflexes are good so I caught it before it hit my chest. He walked towards me and kicked my feet in between to apart it a little. He told me to hold the ball in chest level and palms a little behind and pass it with a hand and arm force towards Flame. I did and Flame did the same. "Good." He told. He nods to Andrew and Flame who are distance facing each other and passing the ball to each other while moving sideward. "We will try the very slow way to the medium and the fast to fastest."

"The purpose of this?" I asked him. He looked at me and cock his head to the left.

"To catch and hold the fire."

I wanted to grunt but we are two hours doing the same. Basketball, I enjoy it though. Flame didn't fail to amuse me but I still wanted to be serious about everything. My brother… I mean, Andrew is having fun too so we didn't notice the time. After cooling down, I had felt that I was so exhausted and too puffy and lousy to get up from my seat.

"I need to go back to my room." Flame said and run outside like it was an emergency. I lean my head on the wall. I close my eyes and had decided to take a nap. But I guess, it wasn't just a nap.

I roll over to my bed and hugged the pillow. That was exhausting. When I understand that I still don't want to get up but I am late in the class, I immediately sat up and open my eyes wide. However, I didn't find my table or bed. This is not my bed. I look around to see a sexy muscular back of a man doing something on the table.

"Good thing that you wake up. Just in time for your new subject."

"New subject?" I asked him. I look at myself and I am not wearing my clothes. I look inside the oversize sweatshirt that I am wearing and I am not wearing my sports bra too. "D-did you undress me?" I asked him a little annoyed.

"You can say that," he said and turn around to me with a big mug on his hand. He walk towards my bed—let's say his bed and sat in front of me. He took my hand as he gave me the warm big mug. "You must be hungry." I look into it and the soup looks very famishing.

"What's this?"

"It is a breakfast soup that is always served on my breakfast." I take a sip on it. What makes me creepy on what he did is he gently stroke his hand on my hair and gently pushed it at the back of my ear, with his eyes wandering on my face. I put down the mug and glare at him. "I should be mad because you undress me. I also should be mad because you are doing that. It is freaking me out so please stop it."

"I don't want to."

"So you are awake!" a familiar voice got out from another door inside the room. She smiled at me and walk towards the table. "I am so sorry that my brother keeps on harassing you. Next time, I won't let him help me undress you." Marissa did undress me. Good thing. "Wow, I miss this soup." She took a bowl and put a little on it.

"Did you see her next subject?" Nicholas asked and stood. I can't help to glance at his eight packs of the abdominal and massive chest. He's quite a view. Damn, I have to shook those fantasies and just enjoy this warm soup. It was delicious and one of the best soup that I had ever taste.

"Yes, I did." Marissa saluted and lift her bowl. I nod at her.

"What's that subject?"

"You won't be attending science, history, and math subjects. Your subjects are more on physical."

"Why?" questioning why is my main curiosity. He looked at me in the eyes like he already told me why.

"As your adviser, you need a lot of physical training than mental. Since I am your legal guardian in this school, I could do and give what is best for you."

"And the best is to make me physically exhausted every day and night?" he walked towards me and I avoid gulping and gaping.

"Making you physically exhausted, every day and night will make your body more flexible, alert and your immune system will get stronger. You are going to undergo army training, swords training, archery, and the last is the best training."

It makes me super, surprised. I had seen the horses of Mystical Academy but I never get a chance to ride on it. Now, my subject is to know how to ride on the horse. A pure white glowing mare was lead towards me. I was instantly smitten on her. I hold the middle face of the mare.

"This is Artemis." He said. When I look into her eyes, I had noticed our contact with each other. I feel like I know her. "Artemis, Catastrophe. Your mate."

"Mate?" I asked him. The horse moved her face closer to me like a kitty who likes to be patted.

"Yes. She's yours. She will be your ride." I gape on his statements. The mare is mine?