Rising of the Dead (1)


I didn't think twice about running into Hydor's Kingdom. Their knights didn't even bother blocking us, where they bow down to me. That's right, bow down because if they wouldn't I will burn them. But that didn't seem right. That's not me, I am just mad about what they did to Serina.

"Queen of Era."

"Goddess of Universe." I corrected him.

"Goddess Adhiti," I can hear the hint of bitterness. "What can I do for you?" King Whales asked it nicely but his expression is tightened, annoyed, and… afraid? I smirk on the thought that he's afraid of me, but not too afraid to do the right thing.

"What did you do to my Serina, Goddess of Water?" I can see a hint of anxiousness. He had something to do with it. His hand is trembling a little and he held it together. I slowly bit my lower lip seducing Prince Wade a little and my eyes turn to Princess Wendy whose eyes are all wide.