Soul's Light (1)


Mesmerized on her light. It beamed around the highway and burns the bodies without throwing any fire to them. It wasn't Guinevere, yet looking alike to her. Her silver hair, luscious lips, beautiful eyes… indescribable beauty. I found my feet walking toward her.

"Stay back," I felt Gibson's hand grabbed mine and when I turned to him, he wasn't Gibson. But the aura is the same.

The manly beauty was indescribable as well. As I blink, his face turns into the real face of Gibson. What's happening? He ignored me and ran toward Guinevere and the light brightens and a lot of ball of light is dancing around.

They seemed familiar, I had seen them before. The ball of light was beautiful too as it dances, playing at each other.

"What's happening?" I ask him. He didn't respond, instead, he told us to get inside the car. The girls take Rosy and Danica while I am dumb standing there watching Guinevere on who-knows-what she is doing.