Soul's Guardian


I am now in front of the gate to the Outside world and Althea already entered with his armored to the gate of the Outside World. Still, it bothers me. Soul and Death are in danger. I couldn't get it off out of my mind. My baby sister Guinevere is in danger. That's what the God of Sky warns Althea. Althea was an apprentice of Sky.

"It's now or never." I get in the portal and I was already outside. I got out and fight the urge of collapsing. I saw Althea leaning on the tree murmuring something. I fall into my knees and crawl to her. "Althea," I call.

"What are you doing here?"

"Fighting with you." She grunted and extend her hand. I took it and I feel energy running to my whole body coming from nature. "I forget to tell you that coming in for the first time to the other world would drain you."

"Your first time?" she asked.