Born in the Night


I visit Marissa to my mother's castle and I am surprised to see how big her stomach is. It's been six months now after she was freed from Era and fall into my mother's care. I hold her big stomach and hear the baby inside. I crease my brow. It wasn't just an ordinary baby she had. I look at her and she smiled.

"I'll see my baby next week. Would you stay until I give birth?"

"I will be back the next day. And I will stay for the rest of the days. It is a baby boy, have you thought of his name?"

"Not yet. I'm still waiting for Patrick."

"Patrick is still in a long way, Marissa. At least, we could give a name and when he came back, we will get ready for the wedding."

"I miss him, dearly." She sighed and hold the picture that she had of Patrick.