Planning for Wedding


I was sleeping. Tired from the usual couple does to get to know each other. The princess duties with the lord, the lunch, the picnic, and the dinner. Yet I'm happy. We also dance in the hall with a portable speaker that he brought from the Outside world. The song that is playing was the song that he sang a while ago.

He was so sweet and he kisses me a lot. Showing this affection to everyone. My brothers arrived together with my sisters and Andrew from Psychē.

I suddenly felt cold, exposed. And when I open my eyes, I saw him, the man who always hunt me. He smiled at me deviously. I wanted to scream, yet I couldn't. I try to scream from my lungs but I couldn't. I try to resist him but I am frozen.

I gasped as tears fall from my eyes as I felt his teeth on my breast. The painful cold of his teeth on my nipples, and his manhood thrusting inside me, so painful. I silently pray for anyone who could hear me. Please, someone, help me.