Adhiti's Past 01: She who was Loved Part 2


I climbed to the tree and leaned on his huge trunk. I smile at how soothing it is. I look at the chirping birds on a nest. I say hi to them and they chirp as a response. I sigh and pull my feet on the thick strong branch that I am sitting on. I cross my ankle and close my eyes.

"Are you not going to come down for the next subject?" Marissa asked me. I look down at her and smile.

"I am just chilling because of whatever prank he did to me," I said and leaned my head back to the trunk.

"Just so you know, I like your brother." She said frankly and leaned on the tree. I giggle thinking that she likes my crazy brother Andrew. It is not so Marissa.

"Get your life ready to be ruined if you date Andrew..."

"No! Not Andrew..." I can feel her face redden and her voice with a hint of tickles.

"Get out!" I exclaimed. But I don't literally tell her to get out. It's an expression like 'I can't believe you'. No, hell no. She likes Patrick! That is so damn... geez... she's in love with him? What should I do? I don't want her to get hurt.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner. But since we were kids, I like him very much. He's so caring and so sweet." She said it so softly like she's whispering on the wind full of admiration. Oh, geez. She is in love with Patrick. I had noticed it before but… never mind.

"That is so... unexpected, Best." I jump off from the trunk of Apple and drop my butt on the grass. "It is not just admiration, but I guess you are in love with my big bro," I told her. She let out a sigh.

"Of course he will just see me as his little sister."

"Guys!" Eliza waves at us. "Come on inside!" she signed us.

"Here comes Miss Good Girl," I murmur to Marissa, making her laugh out loud.

Eliza grimaced though she was away. She knew that we were talking about her being a Good Girl. She was a good girl after all. She didn't escape classes and her grades are high. I haven't met her parents but I guess they had taken care of her in a very good way. She's kind and very sweet.

I and Marissa get up and race to Eliza. I stopped for a while catching my breath when I heard a very alluring voice calling me through the wind. They both looked at me probably noticing my weirdness.

"What's wrong?" Marissa asked. I look up at the blue sky and back to them.

"You go back, I will just check on something," I told them. They nodded and went back inside.

I face the apple tree that is away from me. I stopped to see a lady standing next to the tree wearing a very clean white long dress. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. I had seen her in my dreams and I hear her singing a lullaby when I can't sleep. I don't know what she is or is she a ghost or an illusion but I am not afraid of her. I was walking to her but the bell rings

"Sorry, I need to go," I told her. She wiggles her fingers to me and I smile at her.

I run and run to the corridor and on the corner, I bump into someone that makes me fall hard on the concrete ground. Ouch, my butt is in pain and my spine felt broken. Damn! Who is this rock man?! I wince with closed eyes and look up to yelp at the guy. I stopped when it was someone I knew that I met before.

"You again!" I grumbled. He smiled at me. "Why are you smiling?" I asked him with irritation. He hurt me and he is still smiling. Is he some kind of sadistic psychopath?

"Aren't we destined for each other?" he asked as he walked towards me and extended his hands to me.

"No. Probably not," I said with grunts as I took his hands and he gently pulled me up. "You know, the impact on me is a big effect because I was running and I think I broke my bones," I murmured and tried to move my spine straight.

"Then," I shrieked when he carried me into his arms. "I will bring you to the clinic."

"No!" I pushed his face because it was so close to mine. "Put me down!" I complain.

"You said you are hurt."

"Of course, I am. Who wouldn't be!?" I shout at him.

"We are very close to each other and you don't need to shout." He said it, calm and cool. Oh, damn! He's getting into my nerves plus, he smells damn attractive. He gently put me down and I got away from him and furrowed. "I—" I raise my hand for him to stop talking.

"Shush!" Then I walk out.

I get back to our room where Mrs. Hudson is discussing history. They stopped and looked at me. Mrs. Margarethe Hudson is the Headmistress of the school and she takes a few subjects.

"Miss Patterson, chop-chop." She told me and I walked briskly to my chair.

I open my drawer on my table and pick my world history book. I listen attentively while my cheek leans on my palm ignoring the pain in my butt. I saw someone watching me in my peripheral vision. I look at the door to see the guy again waving at me. I rolled my eyes and focused on the topic of Alexander the Great.

I walked on the corridor with tired eyes and my eyes lit up to see Katherine. She got a boom black fur. She purred and walked towards me, rubbing herself on my feet.

"Ohh," I sat on my heels and patted her. "You are so fat. Don't you ever think about dieting?" I asked her. "You poor Katherine..." she purrs and closes her eyes as I gently scratch her chin. I carried her and walked towards my room.

I don't have a roommate yet and I own the whole room. There is a four-poster bed that my father made for me. My parents are teachers and mentors in the Mystical Academy. Our academy was different from the normal one. The school is the one who chooses the students and foreigners with supernatural power can enter the school. 

Some people have supernatural powers, like ESP. So far, there are only a few students that have ESP. Telekinesis and clairvoyance. I never encountered someone that could teleport or read minds. And I could talk to animals and hear nature inside my head. My parents are professors in the academy, so they thought that we as their children are something special, like my brother Patrick. He didn't show his ability but he's a genius. Some thought that he's just a late bloomer.