Catastrophe: Bad Love Part 2

"Is this instructor handsome?" he asked.

"Well, they say that he was." Marcus laughs on my answer.

"You see, sweetheart, if you looked really like Adhiti, I guess that he's handsome and attractive. Also, a lovable person."

"How could you say so?" I asked puzzledly and sipped on the shake.

"Look how beautiful you are. Every boy falls on you at first sight. You know, Jake? He still asked me if I have your number or if you change your number. But as a strict father, I didn't tell him anything about you. I don't like the boy though he seemed in love with you. He will just break your heart."

"Thanks, Dad," I said mockingly. He smiled and patted my head. "How come that you never dated anyone and have your own family. I bet that you will be a good father."

He stopped for a while and sipped on his juice. He swallowed before speaking.

"I fell in love once." He started. I looked at him attentively. "She's the most beautiful, kind, alluring and she was everything to me. Our life back then wasn't perfect because we are like Romeo and Juliet." He stopped and smiled tightly. "I never remember anything back then."

"Wow, I never thought that your life would be like that. It is kind of interesting. So what happened now? Do you still love her?"

"Yes. I always do." He smiled. "If ever we had a child, I would love him or her faithfully and eternally. I think I would be the best and great dad."

"I know you will," I told him. The bell rings and I hear heavy footsteps. I didn't dare to look at the door but Marcus glanced.

"I would like to order a specialty meal." The familiar voice of a man caught me off guard. Marcus had noticed it and he looked at the counter. I felt him walking towards us and pulled a chair. I glare at him. He smiled at Marcus and extended his hand. "I'm Nicholas Gregory." Marcus took it. "Her mentor." Marcus nods but still raises his eyebrow.

"I am Marcus Sanders. Her violin mentor since she was a child. I didn't think that she has a new mentor." Marcus looked at me like he's jealous.

"In our school, every student has a mentor or adviser. It is easier for them to control their gifts and enhance it." He explained. "I am so sorry if I have to interrupt your date but Ms. Canfield escaped the Academy without my consent."

"I'm sorry that she has to escape. Now that she's with me, you don't have to worry. She's like my daughter and her father gave me consent to be her guardian. If it's alright, I could visit her to the academy for her not to escape anymore."

"That would be good for her." Nicholas smile in a very businesslike. They talk further about my safety and my schooling. Nicholas avoids telling him about my supernatural powers. But Marcus knew about it all. He knows who I was and what I am.

"If it is alright, I wanted to bring her shopping. I think we need a father-daughter bonding."

"Of course, but may I ask Sir, about her father. I wanted to know his location?" Nicholas asked formally.

"All I know is that he is in Italy or somewhere in Europe. He doesn't care about calling where he is. Since Catastrophe is in great danger, it would be good for him to be all alone." Nicholas nods on his answer.

The bell rings again and the aura of the person came in makes me annoyed. They ordered their food and sat on the table next to us. I felt Andrew's hand mess my hair and I immediately pushed it away. Marcus looked at me with a question.

"They are Adhiti's brothers," I told him. He nodded and waved at them.

After Marcus and I finished eating, we left those guys who are acting as my guard. Marcus took me to the repair of motors. He's the one who picked me the gorgeous motorbike as a present. We changed some parts and upgraded it. While they were repairing my bike, Marcus took me to the boutique to pick a few clothes. He told me that I shouldn't wear other people's clothes.

"Isn't it too much?" I asked him.

"I wanted to be a father to you. George is an aspie and he can't show love and care to other people. At least someone cares and loves you. You are like my own daughter, Catastrophe. I am living all by myself, at least I have someone to worry and take care of." He put his arms around me and I felt secure. I feel his fatherly love.

I found the boys roaming around too and buying a few things for their own. Patrick is busy on his phone while Andrew is busy charming other girls.

"Those two seemed to love you."

"Yes, because they are Adhiti's brothers," I told him. He nods and pulls out his card to pay for my clothes.

"Nicholas too." He added after a few moments.

"Dad, because he's Adhiti's, first love," I told him. I am used to calling him, dad. George wanted me to call him father.

"Of course sweetie." He smiles like he's implying something.

"Hey, C!" Andrew calls. I and Marcus walk to their direction. "Hi, I'm Andrew and that's Patrick," Andrew said it was very friendly. Marcus smiles. "I am guessing that you are Mr. Sander." Marcus chuckled and nodded. "Thank you for taking care of Catastrophe."

"Thank you for taking care of her too while she's in the Academy."

"No problem. She's not a burden." Andrew said with a salute. Patrick is like reading Marcus but I know he won't find any dark about him. Marcus is a good person.

"C!" someone calls. It makes me almost turn back and run because of the person who called me. He's with the slut famous girls of our school back then who used to bully me. But they can't bully me and annoy me because I show no interest in them. Jake was about to pull me a hug but Andrew and Patrick pull him away. "Hey, fuck off, dudes!" he said annoyed.

"Jake," Marcus acknowledged.

"Mr. Sander."

"It is very unpleasant saying profanity."

"I don't give a shit. I just wanted to talk to Catastrophe but these losers didn't even take their hands off me."

"They are not losers." Marcus defended. Damn, I hate Jake. He's such a jerk.

"If you want something from Catastrophe, say it in front of us. Just don't touch her." Patrick said calmly and intimidatingly. Jake tried to clasp their grips. Damn, my head is hurting because of this mess.

"Do you want to talk to him, sweetheart?" Marcus asked me.

"Yes," I answer monotonously and I face Jeke. "Don't ever call me again. We are done and please stop bugging me."

"C, come on." Jake pleaded like a lost puppy. "You know that I love you."

"Well, I don't love you," I said frankly to him. They all look taken aback on my bluntness. Marcus wanted to laugh but he held it. He never thought that I would be that rude for rejecting a guy.

"Okay!" Jake pulled his arms from the boys and pushed them. "It is your loss too."

"I am not going to regret what I had said. You are a rude jerk."

"That's our girl." Patrick and Andrew chorus and they did their secret handshake behind Jake. Someone threw an arm around me and I was a little surprised.

"Besides, she belongs to someone else." I also didn't expect that Nicholas would say that. Marcus was quite surprised too.

Andrew and Patrick travel separately while I am stuck with Nicholas. My bike is at the back of his truck and I wished to drive it back but they didn't agree with it. Nicholas told me frankly that I will never see Jake ever again like he's going to take me away from everyone I know. He parked the truck at her parking lot at the back of the gym. I removed the seat belt and was about to open the door but it is still locked. I turn to him to tell him to open the door.

But things go swiftly and his palms corner my cheeks. His lips are on mine, slowly sucking my lower lips. I wanted to moan because it turns me on. I had to wake up from his harassment and pushed him but damn he was strong and his other hand was pulling my nape for him to deepen the kiss. He's taking my breath away and I wanted to breathe but he never gave me a chance to breathe. I tried to push him again and I got a chance to grasp some air but he kissed me again and again. It was so torrid that it made my lips swollen.

"St—" I can't let out any words because he kissed me hard every time our lips parted. I pushed him hard and slapped his cheek hard. "What is wrong with you?! I am not Adhiti!" I shout at him. I lean on my seat and catch my breath. I didn't expect that I would see Eliza standing in front of the car but a few distant ones. I didn't show that I was surprised but Nicholas is surprised. She ran away.