My Protectors Part 2

"Concentrate and put a little energy on it."

"How do you put 'little energy' 'on it'?" I asked him in a little sarcastic way.

"Find it out from yourself."

"Unbelievable." I murmur to myself staring at the stone. If you won't grow, I will throw you to his handsome face. I am hungry and I hate this guy but I wanted to kiss those lips too much. Do you understand? All I can do is to threaten the stone with a stare. And the thing that I didn't expect is it grows much bigger than he grows. Because it is heavy, it slipped off from my hand. "Seriously?! You take that threat?" I murmur. Nicholas is looking at me weirdly because I am talking on the stone. I looked up at him which is; I wanted to take back the time for not threatening the stone.

"What did you do? Did you put 'little energy on it'?" he asked me. I shook my head. "You didn't do anything except?" he waited for me to answer his question.

"Except for threatening the stone through my mind." I blurted on him. It makes him gape a little and very quizzical.

"Threaten?" he asked again to make sure that he heard it right.

Because I am really hungry, he told me to grow the peach tree and for it to give us fruits. I did. I always do it so it is just a piece of cake for me. He picked up a few peaches and he gave me one. I take a bite on it. It is really juicy and so sweet. Good thing that he let me cover myself with the blanket because I am too exposed to him. I also don't want anyone to spy on us and saw my mark at my back.

He told me that he will just get water. Then he came back with round leaf and few green apples. I am sitting under the peach tree while hugging my Ruin who also ate a peach. I didn't expect that he would like fruits too. I look up at Nick who gave me apples and a leaf that is rounded to handle water. I drank on the water and feel relieved. If I drank water after I am fully awake it would be great but he didn't give me any.

"Let's get ready, you are going to attend a few on your next subject."

I come back to my room and glance at the wall clock. It is already ten in the morning so I hurried up and drink orange juice from the fridge. After I had taken a bath and put my uniform on, I pour one scoop of his meal on his bowl and pour another one on his other bowl for his milk.

"I am so sorry buddy, but you have to drink alone without the baby bottle." I patted him. Ruin still needs to drink milk from the bottle of the baby. He's still an infant and he needs good care.

I was about to head to my class when I got a call from the Head Mistress. I did not expect that there are Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Patrick, and disciplinary officer of the Academy. I think I know what this means. Nicholas was there too.

"Do you know why you are here, Ms. Canfield?" Leona asked in a very formal tone. I blink once and look directly into her eyes.

"Because there's a complaint about me?" I answer which is more like a question. I don't want to play with guessing games.

"Not exactly, do you know that a teacher-student relationship is prohibited—"

"To be precise?" I asked her in a very formal.

"Having a romantic relationship with your Professor to be specific," Leona told. I remain calm, monotonous, and clueless. "There had been lots of witnesses about you and your adviser, Mr. Gregory. Are you aware of that, Ms. Canfield?"

"Firstly, I wanted to stand my right not to remain silent for the truth. Secondly, I am truly aware of that. But may I asked, am I the only one who seemed like stepped in the court as a suspect?" I asked her monotonously. "To be specific; Am I the only one here having an affaire de Coeur with the adviser?"

"Head Mistress, my apprentice here is innocent. She was clueless about my actions." Nicholas speaks. Leona just glanced at him and ignore him.

"You might get suspended, Ms. Canfield. Or worse, kicked out the school." Leona said her last sentences with a little pressed on it. But her voice is still calm.

"I am not worried about getting suspended or kicked out of this school. As long as I get out of here alive." I said it to her directly like I was implying something. Nicholas stood from his seat while Patrick and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are beside him.

"Catastrophe Canfield is my responsibility. I was the one who enrolled her in this school for my desire. I wanted the Board to consider it since I am her guardian. She will never be going to be kicked out of this school nor suspended if I am still in this Academy."

"Head Mistress, it is a matter of pasts, since Catastrophe is identically looked like our daughter. We all know that Nicholas and Adhiti are sweethearts and known as their great love. So it will be hard for him to be around her and pretend not to get attached or attractive." Patrick speaks who is a psychologist of the school also one of the counselors.

"I got your point, Patrick, however, it isn't right in their positions."

"I thought that I am a victim here not a criminal," I speak which makes them all look at me.

"For this to stop, what about let's stop their mentor-apprentice relationship. We are going to assign somebody else as her mentor." One of the Board Members said. He glanced at me and winks and I wonder what he meant about his wink. I don't know him but somehow he looks kind.

"We can't assign a new mentor for Ms. Canfield," Mr. Kraig Patterson interjected. "Mr. Gregory is helping her to control her gifts and it is very confidential."

"Besides, he is perfect for her gifts. She's fast on catching up because of the daily routine that he is giving." Mrs. Patterson added.

The Head Mistress doesn't seem alright about it. The Board can't even speak because of the powerful thing about Nicholas. "It would be hard for the new mentor to adjust her knowledge and skills." She sighed indecisively and looked at me. I remain calm and impassive. Catastrophe is not easy to show expression. She's a cool-cold person.

"I wanted to ask a question if you all don't mind." They nod at me to permit me to ask. "Why should the student get suspend or kick out of the school when the teacher is the one who is seducing the student and harass her?" I blurted which makes everyone stop and looked at Nicholas. My lack of sensitiveness makes them drop their jaws. "That would be truly unfair though, Mr. Gregory holds a big share in this school, if ever he's one of the stockholders."

They all look quizzical about what I said. Then I guess it is true that Nicholas is holding a big share in the Academy. So it is easy for him to fool around and make the Head Mistress agreed on things he wanted. It is inappropriate for a man to have a female apprentice.

I got a chance to talk to Nicholas, Mr., and Mrs. Patterson, and Patrick privately. I was in front of them staring down the paper that is in front of me. All I have to do is to sign it for Nicholas to be my legal Guardian.

"I can call somebody to be my guardian," I told them and look directly at Nick.

"You mean, Mr. Sander?" I nod at him. "Did you ever think that he will be in danger if he will become your guardian?" he's giving me reasons for him to be my guardian. Of course, I cannot put Marcus in peril. And because of my situation, I can't make him my legal guardian.

"You wanted me to be your responsibility?" I asked him. He answered in a lopsided smile that makes my left eyebrow lift. "What about Mr. and Mrs. Patterson?" they both looked at me. "If I was Adhiti would you agree on this thing?"

They both looked at each other like asking for each other's answers. I looked at Patrick who shook his head then I look back at Nicholas who is challenging me. Since I won't get kicked out or suspended or he won't get suspended or kicked out, I have to sign this thing for my Protection. But how long will he protect me?

"I just wished to be your Guardian but it is just…" Mrs. Patterson's voice faded and hold on her husband's hand.

"Alright," I had decided. I don't want to see those lonely eyes and pitiful scenes so I sign the paper using my new penmanship. "I guess this ends this meeting."

We all headed to the corridor and I stop when he held my hand with a paper on his hand and he told me to walk with him like he's dragging me. We stop on the corner and he faced me.

"Thank you for being considerate about yourself. You see, I would do anything for you to complete your gift. You will be an outstanding student at this school." He told me which is unusual, although, he's talking that way, I think he is implying something. "Also, don't forget to clean Artemis's quarter."

"How would I clean it? I never clean the horse's quarter and clean them."

"Someone will help you with it." He looked directly into my eyes and I immediately understand what he means.

I walk back to my room and locked it. Then I looked at my hand that has a crumbled piece of paper. I unfold it. My heart stopped from reading it.

They can't be your guardian. The monsters had come to kill everyone who will become your guardian. They are like shadows behind you. ILY.