Patrick Patterson: Princess of All Royals Part 2

On our breakfast, my smiles that can never be curved into sad one makes their mood lightens. I told them the good news and father who is all strict than Marissa's dad, asked me on when I will marry her. I told him that we still have no plans for it and everything will be just fine.

My plan about Marissa's safety isn't vivid but I have to at least try to save her and her family. The King of Erā wanted them dead for the reason that they knew about him and the other world. Marissa is gifted and he needed her for his greed. But I have to protect them hard.

I told my parents about it and they immediately take action by going down on the secret room underground that is located in the storage room. Father and mother had been secretive on their pasts and about us. I remember our last night's dinner but that's only it. I know that some are fabricated. And I believed that father do it on purpose or maybe it is one of my plans.

My eyes wandered and get amazed at silver, golden, steels metallic swords, arrows, knives, spears… everything here is for defense and attacks. The arrows are welled carved. Father pulled out a steel sword from the very middle and showed me how sharp it is in one slice by slicing the hardwood.

"Since you are my son who wanted to protect the people he loved, so I gave this Psychē's steel. Steel that can kill people even monsters that cannot be killed literally."


"The Hydra." He gave us an example and show us the painting of the hydra. A water dragon that had so many heads and of course had fins and has a long body like a real sea dragon. "The steel is made of stone venom, tears of the mermaid and dragon's eggshell. This is specially made to protect the life of the five kingdoms. Now, that I felt the death, the prophecy has begun."

We all sat down to listen to father. He went to the big book that holds lots of history and secrets. A mysterious book that only can open my father's blood. He started telling us the story about the five faces.

"The five faces are five voices that only the pure royal blood can hear on the main portal to the other side of the world. Five faces symbolize the dragon for the Kingdom of Pyr; Mermaids for the Kingdom of Hydōr; Bull for Erā; Giant Eagle for Aēr; and Sphinx for Psychē the Kingdoms of all Kingdoms."

Now that I think, I can hear five voices in Catastrophe's thoughts. My eyes dilated on what my logic discovers. I frustratingly cover my palm on my face and rubbed it. I take a deep breath and they had noticed my anxiousness.

"Your thoughts, Patrick," Father told like we were in the real class.

"Catastrophe, she can hear five voices," I told him. They are all silenced. "That's why they will execute her though they don't know that she's peculiar among all people. No matter how they killed her in their traditional execution she won't die. Unless," I stopped. I looked directly at my father who is all surprised by my words. "Unless she was killed by a stab or cut her head off."

"H-how do you know?" he asked. I don't want to say to them what I am capable of. I take my time on thinking and calming myself from nervousness.

"I hear them on Catastrophe's head. I also know that she's not our blood."

"Patrick!" my mom, exclaimed. I know that it is unacceptable for her. She loves Adhiti or Catastrophe. We all loved her but we know the fact. We know the reality but we are unable to accept it.

"I know everything, mom," I told her. Marissa holds my hand that is clenched over the table. "I can read all your thoughts. She's the prophecy that they are talking about. She's the daughter of the Goddess who's always around to watch her grow up! I saw her when I was a child. I saw her on how she put the child under the tree that night. She gave us Adhiti to save her and to save everyone." I did not notice that because of the emotions that I am letting go, my cheeks are all wet and warm water comes out from my eyes. Those emotions that I had been holding, those words that I had been holding come out unexpectedly.

My father walk briskly towards me and bent down to look into my eyes.

"How many people know about this?"

"Five for now. Adhiti knows that I can read thoughts though I never told her so."

"Alright, buddy. You are the only one who can get into people's minds. You got it from your great grandfather and that gift only happens in our bloodline. You could control other people's minds by making them believe in your words, and play scenes and images in their minds if you wanted to. You could fabricate their pasts or make them believe in false. I always thought that it could be you."

So all this time is they knew that I could hold that kind of gift. They keep it secret for my sake.

"If you wanted something in that other world. Go to the Psychē directly to the King and show him what you are. It is the only way for you to save them, but don't let greed eats your mind. You could control the elders of Pyschē too."

"I will do that." I gritted my teeth. I am powerful now. I could save them. I need to be confident enough to save all of them. My father faced Andrew.

"And you, you could speak to secretive tongue spilling out the truth behind their lies. Nobody has ever had that gift besides you. Seeing the events through their personal things that had been their witness will lead you to the truth."

"Yes, father."

"And you, sweetheart." He looked at Marissa. "Stay strong for all of us. No matter what happens, Patrick here and Andrew will do everything to save you. That child you have right now is more gifted than anyone of us." Marissa nods. He turns to my mother. "Honey, please tell them all the secrets of the Kingdoms."

Mother went to the book with a sigh. She hesitate on telling us the secrets of the five kingdoms that they knew. She told us that almost all the people in Kingdoms doesn't know about it. And the people who are against their government become rogues.

"Each kingdom is holding its monsters to protect their selves. They don't care about their people's safety. The secrets of the kingdoms are that there are overlaps on the boundary from the inside world to the outer world. They trade gold, silvers, and platinum to humans in exchange for a newborn child."

A newborn child? What are they doing to the newborn child? The three of us has the same questions in our mind. Also, how could humans give their children in exchange for gold and other metals? It is pathetic of them.

"They make the newborn child as their slaves or whatever they wanted to do with the child. Some, they feed the children to the monsters that they are growing for saving their kingdoms. Thousand years ago, a warrior is born who is destined to save the inner world and outer world from disastrous events that will happen. She dies and only each kingdom's monsters had protected the royal blood. They don't understand why every tree, plants, and even animals are dying. The elders believed that the warrior who was assassinated is the life of the whole universe." She cleared her throat and continued. "If it wasn't for Princess Amanda who was born, every one of us dies and you no longer born."

"Who's Princess Amanda?" Andrew asked as he twirls the pen on his fingers.

"Princess Amanda is the High Princess of the whole Kingdom. Daughter of King Damian and Queen Cassidy of Psychē, Kingdoms of all Kingdoms."

"What does she looks like?" Andrew asked again really interested in the Princess. My mother lifts a piece of paper that has a portrait of the Goddess that I always saw on my dreams and the visions. Golden hair, angelic face, and bright crystalize oceanic eyes. "Wow." Yes, everyone one of us gapes.

"That's her." I murmur. They all looked at me. "That's Adhiti's mother."

Mom and Dad looked at each telling that it is possible.

"Princess Amanda falls in love with a human named Darius. Her father had known about it and he was to kill him. But the Princess bounded her soul together with the human. If he got hurt or killed, those things will be felt by the Princess or she'll die as her love die. They cannot kill the Princess or the human. Because of her father's loved to her, he just accepted it but never let them be together."

Now, I can see the reasons. Adhiti is the prophecy and our destinies tangled up because we are born to protect her. We are born to protect both worlds.

My mother ended it up. We pack up a few weapons and went to Marissa's house. I know that they are all surprised at our appearance. Marissa's brother can't still accept me but I loved her and she loved me. No one can break us apart even super storm can't. My father explained to her dad and mom that we are all in danger. Masen acted too arrogant that made me punch him and he falls on the ground.

"Son of a—"

"Don't you fucking understand Masen?! This is nothing personal. If you hate me, go hate me but I won't let Marissa or your parents die in the Mad King's hand. So if you wanted to save yourself or them, do as what I said."

"Wow, bro! That was cool!" Andrew said with playful thumbs up. I just glanced at him. Yeah, I know it is cool. It took me very long to give him that.


Author's Note:

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---The Illusionist
