Almira of Era Part 2

--- Almira ---

The child bowed down on her immediately but not Adhiti. Wendy looked at Adhiti who is probably staring at her. I saw how Wendy shivers on Adhiti's glare on her. Adhiti speaks in some language that probably Wendy cannot understand. Even her voice seemed strange.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Your highness." One of her escorts walked towards her.

"I'm sorry, we are in a rush. If that child is not on our way this won't happen." She walked off. When Adhiti speaks.

"Is that how you apologize?" that makes Wendy stops and make her turn to Adhiti slowly. "Oh, never mind. You are in a hurry, are you?" she asked sarcastically. The people are all staring and even the vendors, moved away. Wendy flushes in embarrassment that pleasures Adhiti.

Wendy left full of embarrassment on her face. I walk towards Adhiti when the knights of Era are talking to Adhiti. The knights are insisting on peeking on her eyes.

"Lady Gracey's tradition is different from others, brave warriors," I speak behind them, in my normal tune. They turn towards me and they put their strong fists on their chest and bow a little. "No one can ever see her face, besides the man she'll marry. I hope you know that."

"We sincerely, apologize, Milady."

"Alright then, go back to your businesses."

I pull Adhiti close to me, snaking my arms on hers and move my mouth close to her ears.

"I never saw her that embarrass in front of civilians," I said cheerfully. Adhiti giggles, happy on her simple revenge towards Wendy. "Now, we can't be here. Let's go on the other side of the town. There are beautiful headdresses and jewelry."

"Oh, seriously. I rather have jeans and a sweatshirt."


I almost grabbed that cruel Princess's neck and choke her to death. Good thing that I am covering my reputation and hiding. I couldn't just show them my face. It will surprise them a lot and my popularity will increase in the whole world.

Almira, look happy on what I did back there to the Princess. Almira is somehow like Marissa. They both lessen the pain in my chest. They both make me feel better. I have been with Nick for almost a week, flirting and flirting with him. We almost did it last night. Damn him and that wedding! I should've got him there. Once we are married, I won't let Eliza take him from me.

"Where is Nick going, by the way?" I asked Almira when I suddenly remember that question that I have been keeping in my mind. Nick only told me that he'll be on the castle duties and meeting someone.

"After he attended the meeting that will probably end in one hour, he will meet Princess Amanda somewhere here."

I should have to be jealous but I am not. Princess Amanda might be beautiful and motherly-like caring too much about Nick.

"The freaky-princess is on her way to the castle right?"

"Uh-huh." Almira hesitated to answer my question. Now I know. Since Nick is popular on girls, that freaky-ugly-attitude-princess might seduce Nick. Let's see if Nick would take her.

"Does Nick has been in a relationship with that freaky-princess?"

"Yes." Almira's answer and the look on her face tell that she is guilty of answering it.

"Really, when was that? Was it when I am gone?"

Almira sipped some air and breathed deep like doubting herself, hesitating to tell me everything.

"Tell me, everything." I grinned at her.

She did tell me everything. Maybe because I was persistent towards her. I have to squeeze her a little bit for her to tell me details and here she is telling me everything.

"When my brother lost you, he gets depressed. He became a bad boy, doing his usual thing on sleeping with other girls for him to fall asleep. Mostly getting drunk all by himself ending in prostitution house and most of the Princesses all over the kingdom. Since they like my brother so much."

"What makes them like him? What part of him?" I asked interrupting her a little.

"Because he's gentleman, sweet and romantic, brave and mostly because they say he's oozing in hotness where in my understanding, he's that attractive to females."

I twitched my lips biting my lips. Yeah, he was attractive like I wanted to punch his face several times until they cannot see his face so that they will leave him alone. I might be possessive but I had suffered in lots of things, which includes seeing him with other women, and that pained more because it was my best friend that I treated like a sister.

I might be a kind person on those times that Adhiti has never been in a great struggle but now, I am the new Adhiti who is not the same.

"He ends up sleeping with Eliza and they become officially." She ended it in a sentence.

"What kind of a person is Eliza?"

"She's kind, daring, and good but you can never say those things. Sometimes, our eyes betray us. We can never know what she's capable of. I know that she's been in love with my brother and I never saw her so obsessed." She stopped when she remembered something. "However, I never like her."

"What makes you thought of that?"

Almira shook her head and smiles at me just to let go of the topic that she started.

"She's a granddaughter of Psyche blood. She's might be the next heiress of the throne. Nobody can tell. The elders somehow know something that they already predicted."

"If she has psyche blood, which means that she has clairvoyance."

"That might be true but she never showed us what she's capable of."

Same to us. She's intelligent but she never showed what she can do. She never showed what she is capable of. I am starting to doubt her on her beautiful smiles that she show me back then when I was in Mystical Academy.

"But, she still slept with my boyfriend. That's bad." I shook my head.

"Oh, look." Almira pulls me to the vendor of jewelry, it has lots of stones, I am certain that they are real diamonds, rubies, jades, etc. I don't know why Almira pulls me here since she has lots of jewelry. I am very certain of that. She took an amethyst amulet in heart shape, which is surrounded by small diamonds around the lace. She pulls it up in front of me. "Perfect for the ball."

"What ball?" she just smiles and bought it on the vendor.

"Great choice, Maladies. This amethyst gives a lot of comfort and strength for all of your burdens."

"Ah." I just nod. Is that how it is? She bought the set of the amulet with the earrings, bracelet, and ring. I don't know that she's so girly like Marissa. Speaking of Marissa, I miss her so much. We go to malls and buy shoes we loved. She got this urge on buying and buying shoes, mostly heels. And, I love boots, sneakers, and rubber shoes. We have separate styles but we like the same.

"Let's go to the shoe-maker store."

"Could they make the style we wanted?"

"Of course. I sometimes, draw my design and they make it for me."

"Don't you have a royal shoe-maker?"

She laughed at my question. Yeah, why can't she have a royal-shoe maker? And royal dress-maker? And royal jewelry-maker. I am starting to doubt that she's a Princess.

"We have that. But they are too busy with my sister's shoes. Besides, I don't want to have the same styles with them. You see, I make my dress-design and shoe design. My handsome brother is the one who started it. When I was little and I was a cry baby, he sneaked me out of the castle and brought me here around the towns and cities of our Kingdom."

We ate at some expensive restaurant here and demand a VIP room. It's not VIP. VIP is from the outside world. They call it Royal Cabin. It is like Japanese style because there's a short table in front of us and we sat on the cushion. The servants here are also dressed in ancient Japanese clothes. I do not understand why there are Korean traditional clothing, also Filipino traditional clothing.

Almira explained to me that their Kingdom is known to be like the Asia continent in the outside world. But the clothing identifies the town they are from. Since Era has lots of towns, it is easy to understand from where they came from in their clothing.

I am so surprised that they are also using wooden sticks. I enjoy the food with Almira and I can freely remove my mask and eat. The food was delicious and full of seasonings. After I enjoy eating with Almira we go around too. The sun was up in the middle of the sky telling me that it is noon. I kept walking around on the crowd and just walk and walk until I did not notice that Almira wasn't with me anymore.

I gasped, my heart jumps when someone grabbed my armed squeezing tight. I glare and gritted my teeth on the man in a brown rough cloak. His head is just bowed down not even looking at me. Or more likely, he doesn't remove his hands off me.

"You shouldn't be here." His voice, rough, deep, and strange. "People here will keep killing you."

"Who are you?" I gritted my teeth, getting alert as adrenaline rushes. When I heard a familiar girl laughing, he just grabbed me away from the crowd into a dark alley.

Whoever it is, my knife is ready to kill.