Lord Calixe Fiel Part 2


"You are gifted. Do you know that?" he suddenly says. He caressed my hair in a very lonely way. "I'm afraid of losing you." What is he saying now? He shouldn't say such a thing. It makes my stomach squeeze and my chest in pain. "Please promise me one thing." This makes me uncomfortable, please don't say it. "Don't die."

"And don't die too," I told him back.

"Promise me and I'll promise."

"I promise! Gosh, what the hell?" I exclaimed. He chuckled and pulls my face just to kiss me.

"I won't die. Because I have to protect you." This is insanely making me melt. I move my face close and licked his lips tempting him. I giggle and kiss him passionately.

---Marcus Sanders---

I started packing my papers, and personal belongings to clear my table. I look at the picture of a girl together with his foster father. She's not smiling on the picture, but her eyes tell how much she is happy on that day. It would be great if I was his real father. But I am just there to help her catch up. I kinda miss her. She's a bright child and when I am alone with her, I can see her true self. She pretended to be all dull because it is how she has to survive.

I unlock the first drawer and pull my old sketchbook. I scan it and smiles on the beautiful lady on my sketch. I took all the boxes I needed and meet Mrs. Brooklyn who smiled at me with sad eyes.

"I know. But I have to leave. I have to find my love." I told her.

"I never met your love. When should I meet her?"

I only smiled at her with shrug.

"Too bad,"

"I have to go."

"Take care, Marcus."

I drove my car back to my house to clear things. I went to my study room that is in the basement. The first thing I saw is my love. Those golden long hair, blue-green eyes surrounded by hazel-nut color, crossbow full lips, the amazing shape of nose… I miss kissing those lips, nuzzling her nose, curling her hair on my fingers, watching those eyes twinkles.

I walk towards the painting and put my hand on like I was scooping her face. If she's with me right now, I won't stop dreaming and wanting to touch her, embrace her and kiss her.

"Just wait for a little more love. I will come to you."

There's a loud knock on my door that makes me alarmed. I turn on the computer and see who it is. A strange man in a black trench coat six feet tall with a fedora hat. I haven't seen this tall guy. He got a body, like a boulder. I am sure who it is. Or what it is. Human-cyclopes. They put Cyclopes genetic to kidnapped human mothers injected it to them until they born a baby that has one eye in the middle and bigger than a usual infant.

They are looking for someone. I am sure that the academy sent him here to find Catastrophe. I had lots of stalkers these past few days and even the school contacted me about Catastrophe. They said that she leaves the academy or more like she's missing. Where that young lady goes, I hope she is in good condition. I don't know where to start looking for her.

I ready my handgun and tuck it at the back of my belt and called the police who patrols around the town. There's another knock again and I close the secret way for my basement.

"Coming!" I said it cool just to show that I am not tense on it. I open the door and get ready for an attack but good that it didn't make an unnecessary move. "Yes? What can I do for you Mister—" he's wearing big black shades.

"I am Head-Security-Officer-in-Charge Sanchez of Mystical Academy."

"Yes, Mr. Sanchez, what can I do for you?" he peeked inside my house. I open the door wide for him. "Please come in." he stepped inside, and I immediately saw his dagger behind his belt. Two in his boots.

My deepest darkest secret is that I saw every metal when I focus on it. Like it was an x-ray. My eyes only saw metals even it is inside the box. And secondly, I can hear and feel their heartbeat without touching them or putting a stethoscope on my ear.

"Would you like some water?"

"No." he searched his eyes around. His voice grumbles and very deep. I close the door and offer him a sit. He did sit and it was like my couch is crying and suffer on his weight. I sit on the single couch in front of him.

"How's Catastrophe Canfield. I assume that you visit because of her. Didn't she got kicked out or got some impulsion. Catastrophe is an outstanding student and I am sure that she has a reason for her mistakes. How—"

"I am here to find her. Where is she? Are you hiding her here?"

"I received a contact from the Academy that she's gone. I don't know where she goes. I too was looking for you. I thought that it is the school's responsibility to protect the students, but it seemed not." I argued with him. "She's not here and I don't know where in hell she goes, or maybe your school is the one who makes her disappeared because she looks a lot like Adhiti."

"The council wanted her to explain why she leave the campus without any note. It is my job to bring back the students safely to the academy. So, if you are hiding her here better show her off. And it is not your concern to know about Adhiti Patterson."

I chuckled bitterly with a big unsubtle sarcasm. I wanted to feel.

"It is my concern. It is my concern to know her complaints about the people who thought that she's Adhiti. Do you know how much it confuses her that maybe she's demented? Her mental state is my concern too since her father is away and he gives me the role of taking care of her while she's at that school." I think he is speechless about my drama. But where is Catastrophe? It makes me worried about her.

He stood and act on searching around my house. He did and he first went up to three-staircase. I pointed my gun on his head.

"You've been stalking me all this time. Why are you still looking for Catastrophe? It is none of your concern to know where she is or why she left the academy."

The tall man turned to me. He might be taller, but I am smarter than him. I practice defenses and careful not to hurt myself or even get scratch because it will hurt my love. Her life is my life, and my life is her life. That's how we are connected.

"Or maybe, you are hiding her? Are you going to kill her like what you did to Adhiti?"

"Nobody knows about that."

"Of course, I know about that. Catastrophe told me everything. She saw Adhiti being killed on that cliff. She saw everything that she shouldn't." Maybe this little play will help them from being paranoid. They should know that Adhiti and Catastrophe are both different people. "How monstrous you people are?"

The police knock on my door.

"Mr. Sanders? We are here again about Catastrophe. Mr. Sanders?"

"I will put down my gun and you should leave." I step back and put down my gun. But he groans and pulls his dagger from his belt and ready to attack me. I immediately cover my arm. I shot him on his knee and the police immediately enter my house.

"Put down your weapon!" I can see that they are pointing guns on the Sanchez guy. He's kneeling one knee on the floor. I winced on the pain on my air and hold the deep cut. I am sorry love. I made a mistake. I shouldn't hurt you like this. In my anger, I kick his head.

I pull some tissue and pressed it on my wounded arm. They pick up the guy, but he was strong, so I told them to let him go. After that incident, I give the first aid on my wound while I am telling them what happened.

"Well, we will put security around your area, Sir."

"It's fine." Since I am leaving the house and find a Catastrophe or Adhiti. I had a dream last night. My love visited me. She told me that Catastrophe is in danger and she is inside their world. I don't know how to go there but I have to find away.

"How about your wound. It looks really deep cut." Sergeant Cornejo said peeking on my still bleeding cut.

"I will do it myself later." I smiled at him assuring and they nod.

"How about your niece?" He asked again.

"I will look for her." They salute on me and I nod at them.

I went up to my room and sit on the window seat. I look outside on the rustling branches of the trees. Seems that the wind is stronger than yesterday. The leaves kept on falling and flying away. Sometimes, I hallucinate on seeing her there. How pitiful our love is? We love each other that long and can't stop loving, but we never get a chance to be together. To embrace each other and shared warm kisses and embrace.

I open the window and let the wind enters my room as few leaves few insides. I close my eyes feel the wind like it embrace me. It feels warm, like a human body. I felt her embrace me. I felt warm, sensation around my arm and I feel like my cells are regaining and my skin is closing.

"I'm so sorry, my sweet love. Next time, I will be careful, so it won't hurt you again."

The wind whistles in a very sweet and alluring sound. So, calm that makes me meditated.

"I will find her for you," I whisper in the wind.

My eyes dilated. I am seeing her in actuality. Or is it a dream. She's wearing a sky-blue gown that came along with the wind. Her long golden hairbrushes by the wind. Her eyes are so blue mixed with green… her lips, she's smiling at me that still makes my heart skip a beat.
