Adhiti's Gift to Almira and Andrew Part 2


"What if I say yes?" He grinned. I pull my hand from him and walk again. After ages of walking, we finally reach the cabin. Wolves are roaming around, and they walk towards Andrew and sniffed him. I wanted to laugh because of the look on his face. He followed me inside and I look for the match and candle. He gives me light and I found it. I lighten a few candles and lanterns that hung on each door.

"Wow, so, this is where he lived instead of the castle?"

"Yes." He directly went to the neat bed and grimaced.

"There's only one bed here."

"As you can see."

"They are sleeping at the same bed?" he sounds angry or something. "I will kick his ass." He mutters. I turn around and took a goblet and pour wine on it. I sipped on the wine and feeling relieved. Damn, even my feet are aching. "You look pale."

"I'm good." I finish my wine and walk towards the door.

"Are you leaving?"