Adhiti's Real Parents Part 1

Then everything became dark and I feel dying, breathless. I saw a little light a silhouette of a familiar man. I tried to grab for something… I tried to hold on, yet I can't see in darkness.

"Brother? Please, can the light…" I asked breathlessly and started choking.

"I am so sorry my beloved sister…"

"Abyss…" I mutter. "What is it?"

"I have to take your memories…"

"No…" I started trembling and shaking. "Abyss, do you love me?"

"I do…" but everything seemed not right to me. I felt his embrace. He smelled blood and full of darkness. I felt his cold kiss on the top of my head. "I have to take you away, because of father… who seemed to love you more than anyone of us… would be so lonely."

"No… please, Abyss, don't make father lonely…"

"Too late…" I gasped when I felt the sharp thing stabbed on my back. "I love you, yet I love myself more than anyone." It all feels like déjà vu…