Abyss's Appearance Part 2

So, in the dinner, Princess Amanda taught me basics and few things and on what's the use of other utensils. I am a fast learner, so it is easy for me to determine things. Then after dinner, I, Marcus, and Princess Amanda walk on around the wide garden while we are holding hands at each other like a real family. At least, we are a real family now. Though it's kind-a awkward because I wanted them to be alone.

They are stealthily holding hands together damn, I just wished that Nick is here so we could make a hot make out and then eat and cuddle.

"At the festival, what do you plan to do?" Mamma asked me.

"Well, I will make a big show and sneak out my best friend."

"You wanted to play for a performance? I can make preparations for that."

"That's cool! Yes, I will perform and whatever happens, I have to get Marissa out of there."

"Let's practice tomorrow," Marcus said.