Soul My Sister Part 2


"You know her? Did she talk to you or something?" Flame asked. I can't blame him for missing her. I can't blame all of them. They all love their soulmates and yet I am here in this situation where all of them are inside me helping me on something that I cannot understand. We are on the southern pavilion of the house and I face him.

"Flame, I will let you talk to her,"

"Where is she?" I close my eyes and tell Zoeira to show herself to Flame and she does in those green and brown dust. Flame's eyes twinkle in full of flaming love. Zoeira touches his cheek though she can't touch him totally because she's just a spirit.

'My Flame…' she smiles at him in full of longing. Flame tried to touch her, but I think all they feel is the presence of each other without that touch.

"My Zoe, you came back."

"I'm sorry, Flame. Yes, I did come back, but I'm sorry that I am not here to be with you." A tear falls from Zoe's eyes.

"Why? We can do something about that."