Rain in the Drought Land


"Give me water." My lips cracked and I felt blood coming out.

"I'm trying." Sky said.

"Sky, I want to kick Abyss ass."

        Sky laughed and everything started getting dark around me. A thunder rumbles and lightning strikes to where Luther is probably fighting just to get me water. I felt dark spirits going into my direction and lightening keep striking them as it started raining and it grows into something marvelous. I smiled and I closed my eyes and lose my consciousness.

"Adhiti!" I heard a familiar voice calling me.

"Sleep well, sister. I'll hold Abyss's so you could spank his ass." Sky said and I couldn't help but laugh in my dreams.

        I woke up and I am in Sky's Realm. Full of clouds and flying horses with wings. I sat down on his throne or whatever it is.

"It's so tiring out there."