Meeting the Goddess of Universe


        We feed our horses with some fruits that we have and then, we continue our voyage. Sirilla is leading us to the fastest route to the Sixth Kingdom and finally, from freezing nearly to death, we reached the boundary that the winter had stopped, and the ice is melting. We are near.

"I can see rain," Darius said and pointed the near camp. "I can see the forest. Are you sure that this is the Sixth Kingdom?" Darius asked Sirilla. Sirilla nodded and we head there faster with their horses.

        We almost raced there, and people are gathered to meet us.

"It's Patrick!" Someone called out and soon, we reached the camp. I immediately jumped down from the horse to hug my parents but a woman in a cloak is there as she crossed her arms.

        I removed my hood and excitedly hugged her tightly, but she pushed me away.

"What took you so long?" Adhit scolded.