Marry Me


        It's been days since Althea and Lancelot helped us around. While Lancelot is helping the students, I was busy with paper works. I also called Hailey, the person that Clarence told me about. I mentioned Clarence's name and she gladly accompanies me.

        I already had the surprise for my future wife and she's helping with filing and other things in my office. I don't want her to do all of the heavy work.

"My love," I called out. She stood from her seat and approached me.

"Yes?" She asked softly.

"Well, we are going home early." I stood from my seat and caressed her hair.

"Hmm, sure." She nodded. I bent down and kissed her lips.

"I'll bring Thunder and your sister and Lancelot with us."

"Then, I'll prepare something good for dinner." She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her forehead.

"Okay, I'll just check the budget that Mrs. Mendez made for the foods and supplies for the students."