Warrior of Night


        Lancelot secure the surroundings once again and Almira healed Althea's ears and they both recovered. It stopped raining and we turned our heads as Thunder entered the house. He looked at Althea who is still unconscious and he reached her face.

"They meant to attack here." Thunder said and he looked at Mrs. Gregory and Masen.

        I stood from my seat and approached him.

"What should we do?" I asked him.

"For now, protection is needed." He approached Masen and he pointed his forefinger to Masen's forehead. "I, God of Sky, give you a gift of lightning. To control the lightning and strike those evil spirits and monsters. You will be protecting people and earth."

        Masen knelt one knee and put a fist over his chest.

"Thank you, God Sky."

        Mrs. Gregory is too shocked by it. Now, I have a new student. I smiled at Masen. We needed someone to control the lightning.
