

        Nicholas acted like a jerk today and he only looked down at the new people that came to Era with dragons around. We let him leave to his room since he's probably tired from fooling around. It's not Nicholas. I have to tell that to myself.

        I wanted to kill that person right now. It's still Nicholas' body but he's controlled. His soul is not with him which makes him that he's not Nicholas. He's just a vessel at this moment. Vessel of darkness that Eliza obsessed about.

"What is wrong with my brother?" Aaron asked.

"He's not Nicholas. They finally took his soul out and that's just a vessel."

"You mean, he's like my father?"


"Oh, God. How about Adhiti?"

"She will be here, soon." I looked around. "Tell the guards to keep the King in his room."

        Aaron nodded and he called the commander and they indeed keep the King in the room. Blaze started making a noise and I approached her.