Entwined Souls


        I grow vines with berries as garland. I can't wait for the day although Althea and other girls are the ones decorating for the wedding. It is finally my wedding and I can't wait to be one with my beloved Andrew. The sun is shining in the sky despite the dark clouds surrounding it. Thunder made the sun shone directly to Mystical Academy just for this day.

"You should go and prepare for the wedding," Althea told and I nodded at her.

"You are my maid of honor. You should come with me."

        We went back to our room in the Academy and Almira helped me dressed up. In a few hours, the wedding will start and everything is just perfect. It's simple and not as grand as the weddings back in the Inside World. But I am grateful. The most important for me is the ritual and being with Andrew through thick and thin.

"I don't think we should hold the wedding."