Deep Depression


        As what I heard from the Enchantress, Adhiti only sleep. She would cry for hours and then she will go back to sleep. She doesn't eat. Her body is failing. So, every time that she goes to sleep or go up to the Above World, Fire would take over her body so she could eat and exercise a little.

        However, it's not enough. We couldn't make Adhiti gather herself. She's working her soul too much by finding Nicholas.

        There's been a lot of earthquakes and storms around the world because of her anger. None of the Gods and Goddesses could control it.

"What do you think we should do?" Wade asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know where to start finding that Castle."

        Wade sighed.

"I failed my Goddess."


"Yes," He nodded.

"I see." I take a deep breath. "I also don't know what to do. Adhiti looked so angry and so sad."