The House of Torment


        I opened my heavy eyelids. I felt hot as it prickled to my skin. I sat up from the hot ground. It's dark in the cell and it smelled like fire, oil, and dust. I've been here for days and I didn't get to see my Goddess.

        A silhouette of a lady stopped in front of my cell and I looked up at the woman. She pulled down her hood and she smiled at me sweetly yet full of venom. My face darkened. 

It's her fault. She took me from that party and I remember that someone took over my body and she made love to my body while I'm still in the same body.

"Oh, poor, Nick. Don't worry. I'll let someone hand you water so you could bathe."

"What did you do to my Goddess?" I asked coldly. I am eager to find out about her. I wasn't able to see her for long days. My heart aches. I don't want to fail her.

"She's fine." She chuckled. "Probably sleeping and won't ever wake up again."