Evil Twin


 I didn't think that Adam is staying there for long, but his blank eyes are direct to my future Queen. I grabbed the pillow and make it a shield before he had a chance to hurt her.

 Amber sat up and lifted her hand and chanted a spell as Adam froze.

"Quick!" She shouted.

 I scuffle from the bed, walked around Adam, and grabbed the knife from him. Adam groaned and tried hard to move himself to kill Amber. She chanted another spell as the wind blows hard, making the window burst open and surrounded Adam.

"Step away."

 I stepped away from Adam, and she continued chanting her spell. I felt like the knife is burning. I quickly throw it away near the chimney and down at my burnt palm. I watched as Amber's eyes glow in white raising her voice and ended the spell.

 Adam fell to the ground. His body started shaking. I didn't dare to go near him as his soul tried to be taken from his body by those dark spirits.