

        We went to check the facility. But it's not there anymore. Just like what Althea said in the letter. We don't know where they are anymore. Abyss had allies and he used each God's and Goddesses power to build an army through the gifted children.

        It started raining again and the ground is shaking. I let out a sigh. It's bad. Earthquake while raining will make a landslide. It will make the ground open up. I grabbed Laurence back to Academy and he falls his butt on the ground.

        I looked around and the ground continued shaking for ten seconds and it stopped. I looked up at Thunder. He's looking up the sky. Is the Goddess in pain again. I approached Thunder and he pointed to the sky.

        It stopped raining. However, the sky is still dark and slowly clearing. The sun becomes visible but the moon is covering it.

"This is bad." Thunder said. My eyes widen when there's an upcoming big rock on fire, few meters away.