The Chapel


        I took the bed from my wreck office to the chapel. Sirilla said that the chapel is safe and sacred. No evil can go in there. I don't want to leave my wife alone, so I somehow make her follow me around. Or if not, Mason and Sirilla or Laurence would follow her around.

        The demon keeps hunting in my mind. Taking my unborn child would make me and my wife miserable. She had suffered so much pain in the Kingdom of Era. I want to give her everything and a good life in the Outside World. But there's this demon coming after my wife and my baby. I won't rest until I put that demon down. But, what can I do?

"Hey, you should sleep," Almira said and she patted the twin bed. We put covers so no one would sneak upon us. "How about we go to the bathroom? You need to clean up. And I already prepare your sleeping clothes."